Has more than one positive and negative ions respectively
Sodium chloride aqueous solution
Hydroxide ions from the ionisation of water and chloride ions from dissociation of ions are present as anions.Hydrogen ions from the ionisation of water and sodium ions from the dissociation of ions are then present as cations
Only one cation andone anion gets preferentiallydischarged. This is known as selectivedischarge of ions
Selective discharge of ions with inert electrodes
1. Selective discharge of cations
2. Selective discharge of anions
3. Effect of concentration on selective discharge of anions
Selectivedischarge of cations
Based on the reactivityseries. The more reactive the metal, the highertendency to form ions. Ions of reactive metals such as sodium and potassium will remain as ions and will not be discharged, remaining in the solution. Ions of hydrogen and less reactive metals such as copper and silver will gain electrons morereadily and get discharged.
Hydrogen ion as a referencepoint
Hydrogen ions are preferentiallydischarged to ions above it while ions belowhydrogen ions are discharged
Sulfate ions and nitrate ions remain in the solution and willnotbedischarged. Hydroxide ions giveupelectronsmostreadily to form water and oxygen, hydroxide ion is the mostreadilydischarged
Effect of concentration on selectivedischarge of anions
A halide anion in high concentration is more readily discharged. Halide ions in diluteaqueouselectrolyte will not be discharged while halide ions in concentratedelectrolyte will be readilydischarged.