
Cards (34)

  • Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) – is another application software that comes with the Microsoft Office suite.
  • Cell – basic part of a spreadsheet that can hold data which can be letters or numbers.
  • Worksheet – have thousands of cells which form a large tabular spreadsheet.
  • freeze/unfreeze – allows you to retain a row or column when you view the whole worksheet in a workbook.
  • Ctrl+Home – brings you to the starting page of a spreadsheet.
  • Ctrl+End – brings you to the end of a spreadsheet.
  • F2 – edits the active cell's content without overwriting it.
  • Arrow Key – can be used to navigate cells instead of using a mouse.
  • Enter – overwrites the cell's previous entry after typing your data on that cell.
  • Excel File – a workbook composed of three worksheets by default.
  • Give a filename with the extension .xls or .xlsx
  • Page Preview – used to check if the document is okay for printing before you print your document.
  • Title Bar –  located at the extreme top of the window.
                  – displays the file and the name of the program currently in use
  • Tabs/Menu Bar – a row or strip of menu item titles that, when clicked, display dropdown 
    menus of other items or commands
  • Ribbon – contains tab that have groups of commands which give instructions to the program
  • Quick Access Toolbar – collection of buttons that provide one click access to commonly 
    used commands such as Save, Undo or Redo. You can add more commands to make one click away.
  • Control Buttons – contains the maximize, minimize and close buttons.
  • Scroll Bar – used when you want to scroll vertically or horizontally through the document 
  • Ruler – used to set the alignment and margins of the elements in the documents
  • Text Area – large white area where you type your document
  • Status Bar – displays information about your document, such as what page you are currently 
         viewing and how many words are in your document and others
  • View Buttons – buttons used to change how the worksheet content is displayed. 
    Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline or Draft
  • Zoom Control – used for magnifying and shrinking of the active document
  • Cursor – a blinking bar in the text area
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint)– is an important component in the suite of programs known
                                  collectively as Microsoft Office.
     – provides a complete set of resources for creating presentations.
  • Multimedia – can be included in the presentation so that key concepts can be explained using 
             images, audio, video, create, save and print presentations and text.
  • Presentations –  can be exported to the World Wide Web or can be exported to stand alone as 
    QuickTime movies.
  • Transparencies – could be created from slide notes with larger fonts (or by enlarging typewriter notes 
        using a photocopier).
  • April 1987 – Forethought Company from Sunnyvale, California published PowerPoint 1.0.
  • Presenter – original name for PowerPoint
  • F5 – brings you to the starting slide of the presentation.
  • F7 – checks spelling of the texts in the presentation slides.
  • F1 – displays Help for MS PowerPoint.
  • Slides – each slide can contain many graphics, texts, sound, or video in order to convey something to 
              the audience.