A sentenceexplaining the meaning of a word or concept with informative details
Parts of a Formal Definition
Species - theword or termbeingdefined
Genus - theclass or categorytowhich the speciesbelong
Definition/Differentia - thefeature, trait, orqualitythatdistinguishes the abovespecies from other belongings to the same genus
An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one
To study asubjectcarefully or indetail, especially in order to discover new information or understand the subject better
Aims of research
To produce new knowledge
To utilize new knowledge
Validity of the existing knowledge is a key focus of research
Improving the researcher is a key focus of research
Types of research
Descriptive Research - Describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied
Correlation Research - Investigatesrelationshipbetweentwo (or more) variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them
Experimental Research - A studyconductedwithscientificapproach using two sets of variables
Historical Research
Aprocessofcollecting and interpretingdataaboutpastevents or ideas in order to find how they affect the present events and ideas
Market Research
Examinesconsumersbehaviourandtrends in theeconomytohelp a businessdevelop and future its business idea and strategy. It helps a business understands its target market by gathering and analyzing data.
Feasibility Research
A study that determines the likelysuccess of a product, project, or service
Research Design
Quantitative - Numerical data analysis
Qualitative - Non-numerical data analysis
Non-Verbal Techniques
Eye contact
Facial Expressions
Hand Gestures
Body Movements
Non-Verbal Techniques are essential to effective communication
Eye contact
Connectsthespeakerwiththelisteners, keepingtheminterested and improving interaction
Effective eye contact
The speaker does not only focus on the number of the audience but distributes his / her glances; does not stare or glare; and knows when to look away
Facial Expressions
Can conveyemotion, revealthoughts and feelings, communicateattitude and, at times, even motives and intentions
If what is being said and what is being communicated through facial expressions do not coincide, the speaker will be sending mixed signals that can confuse the audience</b>
If facial expressions are consistent with spoken word, the speaker increases trust and rapport with the audience
Hand gestures and body movements
Are equallyimportantnonverbalsignalsthatrevealfeelings and meaning to the audience
An effective speaker does not use the hands and body randomly but controls them to put across the intended message
How To Formulate a Research Title
2. Goal - what you want to study
3. Independent Variable - the cause/effect
4. Dependent Variable - (the affect)/(what affect the affected)
5. Local - the place where you conducted the research!
Evaluating Effectiveness of devices Used in Speaking
Discriminative Listening was onewaytounderstandtheverbalaspectsofthespokentext, which include the use of discourse markers, powerful or leading statements, question intersection, examples, idioms, quotations, humor, anecdote, repetition or figurative language
If you listen effectively, it means you can say the message in your own words
Knowing and understanding the verbal and nonverbal features of spoken communication makes one not only an effective speaker but also a good and discerning listener
Poetic Forms
Rhyming Couplet
iftheyhelpthelistenerdetectdifference in the degree of importance of the points
iftheymake it easier for the listener to grasp the logic, validity, and sincerity of oral argument
if they allow the student/listener to appreciate the message and musicality
Comparing New Insights with Previous learning
Learning continues as we grow and develop
The previous learnings we have acquired also lead to new insights which may strengthen or weaken our existing beliefs, change our thinking, perspective or attitude or shed light on complex ideas or problems
Comparing new insights with previous learning addsmorelayersofnewlearnings and understanding
Awordthatconnectswords, phrases, and clauses, showing how they are related to one another