Eysenck's theory

    Cards (10)

    • Eysenck's theory
      Criminals have a certain personality type due to a biological inheritance
    • Criminal personality type
      • Highly extroverted
      • Highly neurotic
      • Highly psychotic
    • Study by McGurk and McDougal
      • Gave Eysenck's personality questionnaire to 100 convicted inmates and 100 students
      • Found more extroverted, neurotic and psychotic personalities in the delinquent group
    • Eysenck's theory assumes
      Personality is stable over a lifetime and there is one criminal personality type
    • This doesn't match the data showing offending is up to 10 times higher in adolescence
    • Moffitt's dual taxonomy of offenders
      • Life-course persistent offenders
      • Adolescent limited offenders
    • Moffitt's explanation seems to fit the data better than Eisenick's single criminal personality type
    • Modern personality theorists think Eisenick's 3 dimensions is too simplistic, 5 factor model is more rounded
    • There is biological evidence that offender behaviour has a biological basis, Eisenick's theory could be the psychological result of these biological factors
    • Biological theories of offending raise issues of 'biology as destiny' and whether personality should be considered in sentencing