chemical analysis

Cards (15)

  • flame poop
    A) lithium
    B) yellow
    C) potassium
    D) calcium
    E) green
  • to clean a nichrome wire, dip it in hydrochloric acid
  • reacting with NaOH calcium produces white precipitate
  • reacting with NaOH copper(III) produces blue precipitate
  • reacting with NaOH iron(II) ions produce a dirty green precipitate
  • reacting with NaOH Iron(III) ions produce a rusty brown precipitate
  • reacting with NaOH aluminium ions form white precipitate and dissolve in excess
  • when reacting with NaOH cobalt chlorite produces blue precipitate
  • when reacting with NaOH magnesium produces white precipitate
  • solutions containing sulfate ions form a white precipitate when barium chloride is added
  • for sodium, chloride and bromide ions, they have to react with silver nitrate solution to produce a precipitate
  • chloride produces a white precipitate in silver nitrate solution
  • bromide produces a cream precipitate in a silver nitrate solution
  • iodide produces a pale yellow precipitate in silver nitrate solution
  • solutions containing carbonate ions react with dilute acid to produce carbon dioxide which will turn lime water milky