
Cards (1677)

  • Quantum number sets
    n = 2; l = 1; ml = -1
  • Maximum number of electrons that can fill a subshell
    2l2 + 2
  • Electron falls from n = 4 to n = 1
    A photon is emitted
  • Electron moves from n = 2 to n = 6
    Greatest gain in energy
  • Electron configuration illustrating Hund's rule

    Filling orbitals with unpaired electrons first
  • Percent composition of hydrogen isotopes
    99.2% H, 0.8% D
  • Electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5
    Represents Cr and Mn+
  • Isotopes
    Atoms of the same element with varying mass numbers
  • Isotopes of hydrogen
    • Protium (1 proton, 1 neutron)
    • Deuterium (1 proton, 2 neutrons)
    • Tritium (1 proton, 3 neutrons)
  • Atomic number (Z)

    Number of protons
  • Mass number (A)
    Number of protons + number of neutrons
  • In a neutral atom, the number of protons equals the number of electrons
  • Electrons are not included in mass calculations because they are much smaller
  • Atomic mass
    Nearly equal to the mass number (sum of protons and neutrons)
  • Atomic weight
    Weighted average of naturally occurring isotopes of an element
  • There are no atoms with a mass exactly equal to the atomic weight of an element
  • Mole
    A number of "things" (atoms, ions, molecules) equal to Avogadro's number (6.02 x 10^23)
  • The atomic weight represents both the mass of the "average" atom of an element (in amu) and the mass of one mole of the element (in grams)
  • Rutherford provided experimental evidence that an atom has a dense, positively charged nucleus
  • Planck developed the first quantum theory, proposing that energy emitted as electromagnetic radiation comes in discrete bundles called quanta
  • Planck's relation
    E = hf, where E is the energy of a quantum, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the radiation
  • Bohr used the work of Rutherford and Planck to develop his model of the electronic structure of the hydrogen atom
  • Bohr's postulate on Angular Momentum
    L = mvr = nh/2π, where L is angular momentum, m is mass, v is velocity, r is radius, n is the principal quantum number, and h is Planck's constant
  • Bohr's equation for Electron Energy
    E = -RH/n^2, where E is the energy of the electron, RH is the Rydberg unit of energy, and n is the principal quantum number
  • The energy of an electron increases (becomes less negative) the farther out from the nucleus it is located (increasing n)
  • Ground state

    The state of lowest energy, in which all electrons are in the lowest energy levels
  • Quantized energy
    Similar to the change in gravitational potential energy when ascending or descending a flight of stairs
  • Staircase
    • Only allows certain discrete (quantized) changes of potential energy, unlike a ramp which allows an infinite number of steps
  • Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom
    A nucleus with one proton forming a dense core, around which a single electron revolved in a defined pathway (orbit) at a discrete energy value
  • Electron "jumping" from one orbit to a higher-energy one
    Requires an amount of energy exactly equal to the difference between one orbit and another
  • Ground state (n = 1)

    The orbit with the smallest, lowest-energy radius
  • Excited state

    When the electron is promoted to an orbit with a larger radius (higher energy)
  • Bohr's Nobel Prize-winning model was reconsidered over the next two decades but remains an important conceptualization of atomic behavior
  • We now know that electrons are not restricted to specific pathways, but tend to be localized in certain regions of space
  • Atomic emission spectrum
    Composed of light at specified frequencies, where each line corresponds to a specific electron transition
  • Each element can have its electrons excited to a different set of distinct energy levels, and thus possesses a unique atomic emission spectrum, which can be used as a fingerprint for the element
  • Emissions from electrons dropping from an excited state to a ground state give rise to fluorescence, and the color of the emitted light is what we see
  • Hydrogen emission line series
    • Lyman series (transitions from n ≥ 2 to n = 1)
    • Balmer series (transitions from n ≥ 3 to n = 2)
    • Paschen series (transitions from n ≥ 4 to n = 3)
  • E = hc/λ
    The energy of the emitted photon corresponds to the difference in energy between the higher-energy initial state and the lower-energy final state
  • The wavelengths of absorption correspond exactly to the wavelengths of emission because the difference in energy between levels remains unchanged