Medieval crimes

Cards (44)

  • What are two examples of medieval minor crimes
    Stealing small things , selling poor quality goods
  • What are three examples of a medieval serious crime
    treason murder arson
  • What are the forest laws
    Illegal to hunt in the forests without a license , illegal to take wood and no dogs allowed
  • why were the forest laws introduced
    William and his friends loved to hunt , he wanted to keep the forests for himself 30% of all forests were royal
  • What is the murmdrum fine
    Fine for killing a Norman the whole village would get punished
  • Why was the murmdrum fine introduced
    There were 300 Saxons for every Norman they wanted power and control over the anglo saxons
  • name a religious crime
    not going to church - adultrey
  • What courts did the church use
    Church courts
  • Name an example of a crime against authority
    Northern rebellion and gunpowder plot
  • Why did crimes against authority increase
    England was made Protestant
  • What is Hersey
    Having different beliefs that the actual religion
  • Why did Hersey increase
    there was religious changes in England
  • How did hearsay and treason become linked
    Crimes against the church became crimes against the king when Henry becomes in charge of the church
  • What is vagabondge
  • Which religion made vagabondge a bigger crime
  • Which invention led to an increase in the fear of begging
    Printing press
  • What did the public think beggars
    That they were all theives
  • Which author wrote a book about vagabonds
    Thomas harman
  • How did religion increase witchcraft
    More fear of plots
  • How did the civil war increase witch craft accusations
    Civil war meant people were suspicious of neighbours meaning their was a lack of trust in communities
  • How did matthew hopkins increase witchcraft accusations
    He brought it to people’s attention and he accused lots of vulnerable women
  • Which two kings influence witchcraft accusations
    Henry viii made it a crime in 1542
    james I wrote demonology in 1604
  • Why did witchcraft decline
    Civil war ended in 1649 scientific knowledge increased people had more money
  • Which king influenced witchcraft decline
    Charles II
  • What were the four crimes against the person
    Murder , assault , public disorder and rape
  • What are the three crimes against property
    Arson , theft , counterfeiting coins
  • What are the two crimes against authority
    Treason and rebellion
  • Why were crimes against authority the most serious crime
    Threatens those in power
  • Who decided the laws in Anglo Saxon England and what did it show
    Kings issued the laws which showed the power of the king
  • Why did William have to be brutal
    He was outnumbered 300-1 and Anglo Saxons were resistant to his rule
  • What crimes did William introduce
    Hunt , poach , or gather wood in the kings forest
  • What was the percentage of royal forests
  • How did the public view forest laws
    Social crimes so no one told on people
  • Besides the king what was the other big authority in medieval England
    The church
  • What kind of laws did the church do and what crime were they called
    Laws that criminalised actions , known as moral crimes
  • When were parish constables introduced
  • what was the role of parish constables
    Look out for crime and lead the hue and cry when necessary they also arrested suspects
  • When were coroners introduced and by who
    1154 by Richard I
  • What was the role of a coroners
    Investigated suspicious deaths
  • With Richard introducing coroners what did it show
    The role of the king was growing in dealing with crime