Terrorist groups often have links with other criminal activities - there can be overlap between anti-money laundering provisions and rules designed to prevent the financing of terrorist acts
Arises when a person in possession of inside information uses it to deal, or to attempt to deal or to recommend or induce another to do so
Dealing includes acquiring or disposing of financial instruments to which the inside information relates, as well as to cancelling or amending an order that was made before having inside information in relation to that instrument
A person using the recommendation or inducement will also be insider-dealing where they know or ought to know that the recommendation or inducement is based on inside information
In the UK, the FCA judges what a reasonable person knows, or ought to know, in such circumstances
Requires issuers to inform the public as soon as possible about inside information which directly concerns them
Disclosure must also be made to the officially appointed central storage mechanism where their securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market
There is an obligation to prepare and maintain insider lists of any person with access to inside information
Directors and senior executives (and their closely associated persons) who have regular access to inside information must notify both the issuer and the FCA of every account transaction relating to the issuer's shares, debt instruments, derivatives or other linked financial instruments
Committed if a person carries out any of the specified activities or behaviours in Article 12 of MAR
These include giving false or misleading signals about the supply of, demand for or price of a financial instrument
Using fictitious devices or other deception or contrivance that is likely to affect the price of financial instruments
Certain other behaviours including collaborating to secure a dominant position over the supply or demand for a financial instrument or creating other unfair trading conditions including by algorithmic and high-frequency trading