critical thinking & fallacies of reasoning

Cards (28)

  • critical thinking - thought process, allowing to make judgements, assess way we think, solve problems
  • qualities of a critical thinker
    • inquistive
    • investigative
    • open-minded
    • evaluates information
  • importance of critical thinking
    • in reading - recognize text & react to them intelligently
    • in writing - skills to create well-written text
  • hasty generalization - generalizing about something with barely any evidence
  • argumentum ad ignoratiam - to be true because not proven false
  • slippery slope - claims that would lead to a major event, but a bad one
  • circular reasoning - goes back to itself
  • ad populum - based on popular belief
  • fallacy of composition - claimed whole as true because a part of it is true
  • ad baculum - human emotions, usually fear, threat, force
  • ad hominem - attacked because of appearance
  • false dilemma - one or two options despite multiple possibilities
  • complex question - may accept or reject both, leaving one point satisfactory and one point not
  • appeal to force - threat instead of reasoning
  • appeal to pity - pity is used instead of logical reasoning
  • appeal to consequence - believing something out is pointed out to show belief is fake
  • bandwagon - what majority thinks
  • anonymous authority - not mentioned or named
  • false analogy - two concepts similar in other ways
  • accident - applying general rule to a case that it does not apply to
  • post hoc ergo propter hoc - after this, therefore because of this
  • wrong direction - cause & effect reversed
  • complex cause - reduced to one thing when there are other factors that contributed in the event
  • irrelevant conclusion - concludes something else
  • straw man - exaggerating other point, making it easy to refute
  • affirming the consequent - draws conclusion if consequent is true, antecedent is also true
  • denying the antecedent - consequent false, antecedent false
  • inconsistency - argument contradicts one another