Provide products and services to society (customers) that will add value and enhance quality of life
Evolved into big organizations that create great impact on society in terms of products, employment opportunities and other economic multiplier effects
A society with great entrepreneurial culture is more productive, competitive and prosperous
Entrepreneurs mobilize effective and efficient production technology, increase labour productivity and produce higher quality, cheaper and better service output to serve customer needs
Allocate and use capital, resources and labour productively and efficiently
The People's Republic of China created a dual system where entrepreneurial activities are allowed and encouraged in special economic zones, acknowledging the role of entrepreneurs in creating wealth
A nation whose citizens are entrepreneurial and industrious will be more successful economically as they will be good at identifying and capturing business opportunities within their countries and globally
Entrepreneurship will not prosper if most members of the society view it with suspicion, as an individual's behaviour is largely influenced by what others think, especially when faced with ambiguities and uncertainties
The presence of successful entrepreneurs will encourage others, as their presence will convey a message that entrepreneurship is an attractive and viable career option
The existence of a successful role model encourages entrepreneurial efforts, and it would be very difficult to encourage people to become entrepreneurs when they see no or few examples of others who have been successful entrepreneurs
An individual's inclination towards entrepreneurial activities is largely influenced by his/her cultural values and beliefs such as asceticism, deferred gratification, frugality, and thrift</b>
Values associated with power distance, collectivism, femininity and uncertainty avoidance have been identified as having detrimental effects to a society's entrepreneurial development
As a consequence of their newness and smallness, new ventures lack capability and legitimacy to acquire resources through the traditional market mechanism, and rely on their networking ties to provide both resources and opportunities for their survival and success
Business founders will be better able to gain access to resources more cheaply through their network ties than through the normal market channels, and their network ties will also give them access to resources that would not otherwise be available through normal market operations such as reputation and customer contacts
All economic activity is embedded in social relations and that relationship can accordingly influence how a business is established and the way it is run
Scholars tend to agree on the important role of the government in facilitating and providing a conducive environment for the growth of entrepreneurs and their enterprises, but there is less agreement on the effective level of government influences