Theory developed by Skinner (1948) where behaviours are repeated if they are reinforced and are not repeated if they are punished
Where you become criminal through punishments and rewards
You get rewarded for a behaviour
You get punished for a behaviour
Criminal carries out an act and gets a reward for example if they washdishes they will get a token and repeat that again
You help a person avoidnegative consequences for a behaviour
Types of positive reinforcers
Primary reinforcer
Secondary reinforcer
Primary reinforcer
A basic biological need, things that motivate behaviour because they satisfy an individual's basic need (e.g. food)
No survival value but we can associate it with survival (e.g. credit card)
Strengths of the theory
It could be used to try and reduce criminal behaviour through the use of token economies
Token economies work by rewarding some positive behaviours and getting a reward, like exchanging items for privileges like free time
It can explain a wide range of crimes such as stealing, violence, vandalism
Weaknesses of the theory
It is based on nurture (environmental influences)
If someone in their family is a criminal, it may pass onto them and seem normal
There are alternative explanations of crime that might explain some crimes better, such as committing crime due to poverty or drugs
Stages of Social Learning Theory
1. Attention
2. Retention
3. Reproduction
4. Motivation
Example of vicariousreinforcement linked to criminal behaviour
If someone stops fighting and gets a reward it would influence others to stop
There is supporting evidence that SLT can cause criminal behaviour from Bandura
Bandura found that aggression can have a short term was copied, especially if the role model was the same sex as child, if role mode was rewarded
There is another theory of criminal behaviour which says that role model behaviour cannot be tested in real life
The theory has application, we can use it to helpchildren have a goodrolemodel so they copygoodbehaviour
Weaknesses This theory is based on nurture so it doesn't look at genes are criminality . Brunner People are more criminal because they have a defict in MOAgene
Strengths - restorative justice
Has a high victim satisfaction rate of 85%, Victims are able to ask questions and communicate their point to the offender which ca make them feelempowered / better
Strengths - restorative
Studied show that recidivism falls by 14% when restorativejustice is used . This is good as the reduction in reoffending has to undertake restorativejustice voluntarily , the offender was contemplatingcrimeless life
Weaknesses- restorative
Restorative justice can cause distress to the victim and offender because it involves personalcontactviaaface to face meeting or letter
Weaknesses- restorative justice
Relies on the offender feeling guilty for their crime and being willing to acceptresponsibility which us a problem as the process can be timeconsuming and costly, less than the cost involved in dealing with reoffending