differential medium consisting of a durhamtube, phenyl red (pH), peptones, and specificcarb
acid production from carb fermentation lowers the pH and turns the medium yellow; no acid production is replaced by the degredation of peptones into amino acids, which releases ammonia raises the pH turning the medium pink
first wipe down cuvette; transfer LB into cuvette and zero it; then transfer culture into cuvette and measure the OD
# of colonies/ dilution X amount plated (ml)
titer (pfu/ml)
# of plaques / dilution X virus quantity
litmus milk reactions
can be alkaline (deep blue), proteolysis (brown w/ purple band), litmusreduction (white w/purple band), or lactosefermentation (pink)
litmus milk
differential medium consisting of lactose (milk sugar), casein, and litmus (pH and redox indicator)
coat the wells with different antigens and detect them with an enzyme-linked antibody; the peroxidase enzyme reacts with the substrate to produce a color change to yellow
used to block unoccupied sites to prevent nonspecific binding by the antibodies; done in between the antigen and antibody steps