Increase in number of generic products entering the market and steady pressure from price sensitive clients who see advertisements promising lower prices from online pharmacies
Economic condition is bleak, largest client base but spend least amount of time with their clients and have the lowest average client transaction, the lowest annual gross practicerevenue, earn less than successful peers despite working similar number of hours, group that is least likely to have a structured business plan for their clinic and to monitor profitability and ROI
Have the lowest gross practice revenue, among the lowest earners, worked fewer hours and saw fewer patients than other groups, have about an average average client transaction, and spend nearly as little time on average with clients as Distressed and depressed
The change in typical family (housewife and working husband) towards most adults male or female are working during normal business hours and consumer debt is rising
Efficient models of veterinary practice have vets performing the duties best suited and working in collaboration with other professionals to deliver more comprehensive care
Guidelines for veterinary trade area sizes: 10-15 minutes (small animal), 30-40 minutes (mobile and large), 30-40 minutes (emergency), 45 minutes or more (specialty)
Need to be responsible for the well-being of pets in wards, understand the link between cleanliness and disease prevention, be able to give medication and check bandages, understand nutrition for sick and/or well pets, understand canine/feline behavior, practice safe handling and restraint
Need clearly defined authority, a business plan, budget and financial goals, a long-term vision for the facility and team, a team to lead, staff to delegate to, support network and resources, continuing education