Social institutions; provide framework for shaping identity
Society + culture Changes in western societies
how much society choses roles people will play as an adult
Positive Youth Development
social policy fixadolescents by preventingproblembehaviours
Importance of Youth Organization
focusedfamily, peer group, and school
Benson's 40 Developmental Assets
Individual strengths and environmental resources
Bensons' Internal Assets
Commitment to learning, positive values, social competencies, positive identity
Benson's External Assets
Support, empowerment, boundaries and expectations, constructive use of time
Identity and Vocation
finding meaningfulsense disturbs young people. Can be a hard task
Ginzberg and Vocational Decision Making- 3 stages
1. Fantasy (up to 11yrs)
2. Tentative (11-17yrs)
3. Realistic (17-20s)
Criticisms of Ginzberg
no meaningful vocationopportunities, not limited to adolescent period, vary in rate and timing
Part-Time Work
teens exercise agency through workexperience. Limited positive and long-term impacts. Work is repetitive and boring. Limits study time for school
Examples of part time work
Grade 10s work 15hrs per week, grade 12 about 20.Fastfood and retail
Identity Development + Vocational Decision Making
Identitystatus a strong predictor of careermaturity. Higher identity exploration and commitment showed greater careermaturity. Exploring variety of career possibilities made better career choices
Family and Identity Development
families that encourage individuality and connectedness are more likely to explore various identity alternatives
Friendships and Peer Groups
feedback from friends and peers provide youth support. Provide confidence, experiences, sexual and sex-role identity
School Structure and Identity Formation
private schools caused girls to be foreclosed in identity defining situations.
The Community + Volunteering
community service involvement provide youth with opportunities to develop ideological commitments and help foster values and whotheyare