Eden Rock

Cards (15)

    • They are waiting for me somewhere beyond Eden Rock
    • The same three plates, the tin cups painted blue
    • The sky whitens as if lit by three suns
    • Leisurely, they beckon to me from the other bank
    • Crossing is not as hard as you might think
    • Charles Causley 1968
  • Three line stanza 

    this links to the holy trinity or the stability of his family
  • Alternating half rhymes 

    could reflect transition between life and death and being somewhere inbetween
    • Reflects an idyllic life rather than his actual life
  • Eden is a biblical reference to the garden of Eden 

    he holds his parents and idyllic life in high regard
  • Enjambment 

    adds to relaxation
  • Monosyllabic final line/ mundane tone 

    Perhaps his own life failed to reflect this imagined/remembered existence
  • Half rhymes 

    gentle flowing rhythm to add to the ethereal tone
  • Each line has 10 syllables and most stanzas have 4 lines 

    reflects stability and security of parental relationship
  • Family love/ nostalgia 

    before you were mine, letters from yorkshire or follower