bio exp - caused by genetics,high/low levels of dopamine & changes to brainactivity
fails to recognise importance of environmental factors - upbringing
diathesisstress model better exp - biological vulnerability to sz & stress trigger are necessary to develop sz
other factors play role in sz
more appropriate to use interactionist approach that people may be biologically predisposed to sz but its not there until theres an adverseenvironmental trigger that sz symptoms manifest
its interaction of nature & nurture rather than just product of our innate genetic pre disposition
X issues with determining cause & effect?
not clear whether changes to brain activity causes sz
or whether brain changes occur as a result of getting disorder
cant be concluded whether its enlargedventricles that cause symptoms of sz/if symptoms of sz cause enlargedventricles
may be 3rd intervening variable - upbringing/familydysfunction that causes both changes to brain activity & symptoms of sz
cannot establish cause & effect between brain ventricle size & sz or whether other variables also have an effect
X not everyone responds to drugs - neural?
research shows typical antipsychotic drugs that work by reducing dopamine only benefits 65% of people
population validity
if increased levels of dopamine were onlycause of sz treatment should work for 100%
may be other explanations & not just due to imbalance of excitatory nt
not everyone experiencessame + symptoms
difficult to generalise concept to all individuals with sz
* evidence to support from curran 2004 - neural explanation?
found that people who take amphetamines have increase in sz symptoms & increases level of dopamine in brain
antipsychotic drugs work by reducingdopaminedecreases symptoms of sz
shows high levels of dopamine linked to causing sz in particular + symptoms
shows dopamine must be involved in cause of symptoms due to excitatory nature positively charged nt & symptoms which add to individuals usualfunctioning
* evidence to support from tienari 2004 - genetic?
if child whose biological mother has sz was adopted there was 10% higher chance they would develop disorder
compared to those adoptees whos biological mother didnt have sz
having parent with sz increases likelihood that individual will develop sz by inheriting their genes
shows genetics do play role in development of sz
when you have biological parent with sz chances of having disorderincrease
support nature argument - bio factors more important than environmentalcauses
* evidence to support from gottesman - genetic?
reviewed 40twin studies & found 48% concordance rate for mz twins