Case Study

Cards (17)

  • What were the controversial executions?
    1950 Timothy Evans
    1953 Derek Bently
    1955 Ruth Ellis
  • What did the controversial executions do to society?
    Changed mindset establishing that the death penalty was too severe a crime.
  • What was Timothy Evans convicted of?
    Murdering wife and baby
    However later evidence showed he was innocent
    Making public question attitudes and usefulness of the death penalty
  • When was Ruth Ellis Case and what did she do?
    Killed abusive Boyfriend Hanged as a consequence
  • What was the Military Service Act
    Established 1916
    Illegal to avoid taking part in the war
    All men from 18 to 51 were called to fight towards the end of the war.
  • What were people who refused to fight called?
    Conscientious Objectors
    Absolutists= Pacifists
    Alternativists = People who refused to fight but supported other ways (Medics Stretcher carriers)
  • How were COs tried?
    Tried by a tribunal (Usually old people who felt that young people should fight)
  • Punishments for COs in WW1?
    Sent to the front line
    Few sentenced to death
    Branded with white feathers symbol of cowardice
  • How was the treatment of Cos changed in WW2?
    Offered Alternative occupations (Medics Farm work)
  • Changes in Attitudes to COs in WW2?
    Harsher punishments as COs seen as hypocritical for not uniting against Hitler
    Attacked by public or Lost jobs
  • Story of Derek Bentley Case which helped abolish capital punishment?

    1952 Derek Bentley(18) and Christopher Craig (16) attempted to rob a warehouse
    Police catch them
    Derek said "Let him have it" Ambiguous
    Accomplish fired his gun instead of giving it to the police officer
    Eventually Derek Bently was Hanged
    As Christopher Craig was 16 he couldn't be charged to death even though he was the one who killed the police officer
  • Defense For Derek Bently being put to death?
    Mental Age of 10
    Questions over "Let him have it"
    Bentley didn't have a weapon and handed himself over
  • Reasons why Derek Bently should of been put to death?
    "Let him have it" Made him responsible for murder as he encouraged Craig
    History of criminality
    Low level of intelligence but he was aware of his actions
  • Impact of Derek Bentlys Case on the Public?
    5000 Protestors met outside on the day of execution chanting "Murder!"
    Bently's Family used media to promote case
    Widly known through songs and books
  • When was Derek Bently Pardoned?
  • Consequences of Derek Bentlys Execution?
    Homicide Act and Murder Act
    200 members of Parliament called for Derek Bently not to be executed
  • When was Derek Bently Case?