Cards (51)

  • " A man has to make his own way- look after himself- and his family too" Mr B
  • "I can't accept any responsibility" Mr B
  • "why-you fool- he knows!" Sheila
  • "is it the one you wanted me to have... now I really feel engaged" Sheila
  • "So I'm really responsible?" Sheila
  • "When you're married, you'll realise that men..." Mrs B
  • "Arthur, you're not supposed to be saying such things" Mrs B
  • "girls of that class" Mrs B
  • "I'm a public man" Mr B
  • "I'm talking as a hard-headed practical man of business" Mr B
  • "We were paying the usual rates and if they didn't like those rates, they could go work somewhere else. It's a free country, I told them"
  • "unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable"- Mr B- capitalism symbol
  • " I'm talking as a hard-headed practical man of business"- Mr B
  • "We were paying the usual rates and if they didn't like these rates they could go work somewhere else. It's a free country, I told them"- Mr B
  • "She only had herself to blame"- Mrs B
  • "You know of course that my husband was Lord Mayor only two years ago and that he's still magistrate"- Mrs B
  • "Go and look for the father of the child, it's his responsibility"- Mrs B
  • " You seem to have made a great impression on this child"- Mrs B
  • "You don't seem to have learnt anything"- Sheila
  • "We really must stop these silly pretences"- people need to care less about social appearances and more about their actions
  • "I'm afraid that you'll say something you'll be sorry for afterwards"- Sheila
  • "Everything we said happened had really happened and if it didn't end tragically, then that's lucky for us"- Sheila
  • " I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty"- Eric
  • "You lot may be letting yourselves out nicely but I can't"- eric
  • "Why shouldn't they try for higher wages?"- Eric
  • "The money is not the important thing. It is what happened to the girl and what we did to her that matters"- Eric
  • "young and fresh"- zoomorphism- Gerald
  • "Wouldn't you rather I was out of this?"- Gerald - evasive behaviour
  • "oh- all right"- Gerald
  • " I don't come into this suicide business"- Gerald- denies responsibility, doesn't want to get caught"
  • " We're respectable citizens not criminals"- Gerald- social status
  • Describes Daisy Renton as "pretty"- looks
  • " Easy well-bred young man man-about-town"- Gerald
  • "(startled)"- stage directions of Gerald
  • "fire, blood and anguish"- IG
  • "Public men, Mr Birling have their responsibilities as well as their privileges"-IG
  • "We are all members of one body"-IG
  • "One Eva Smith has gone but there are millions and millions"- IG
  • "Each of you helped to kill her"-IG
  • "There will be plenty of time when i've gone for you all to adjust your family relationships"-IG