Thatcher and end of consensus 1979-97

Cards (7)

  • Social revolution - education: 1988 Education act created grant maintained schools which were independent and aimed to make school more 'business like' in nature so they competed with each other. This act also introduced the National curriculum which was designed to improve standards and make schools more accountable for improving them, a deliberate attack on 'left wing and progressive' teachings
  • Social revolution - education: to limit spending on higher education Thatcher cut funding per student and introduced loans to replace grants, as well as set up a university funding council to prioritise economically relevant courses
  • social revolution - education: Thatcher's attempt to revive grammar and grant schools had limited impact, majority were comprehensive. The impact of business-like schools also had limited impact only 1 in 24 schools became grant maintained + student grants were not abolished by loans.
  • social revolution - NHS: gov spending on NHS rose more slowly under Thatcher than anyone else, hospitals required to make annual 'efficiency savings' which saved nearly 1 billion in budgets by 1990. Similarly to schools, she made it more business like, independent from regional health authorities and more control of their budgets which she thought would make them more efficient and competitive
  • social revolution - NHS: changes to NHS did not take place until 1990 and took effect during Major. She knew the NHS was popular especially with old conservative voters so didn't cut funding, it increased by 1.5% every year. it remained nationalised.
  • social revolution - housing: a 'property owning democracy' was what she wanted, Thatcher's 1980 housing act forced local councils to sell houses at discounted prices to renters. councils were forbidden to use the proceeds of of council houses to build more meaning homelessness more than doubled.
  • social revolution - housing: thatcher doubled the amount of government spending on mortgage interest tax relief and therefore home ownership increased by 12% during her premiership.