Epidemiology - scientific method of problem solving
Epidemiology - diseasedetectives
Epi - among
Demos - people
Logos - study
Epidemiology Study on ;
howpeoplegetsick and die
who gets sick and dies
how to avoid getting sick
who gets the disease and why
Epidemiology - studies conducted among human populations
Epidemiologists Study on ;
both sick and well people
crucialdifference (difference of sick and without)
with the disease
Epidemiologic Terms ;
Distribution - who has the problem?
Determinants - what influences the problem? (contributor)
Epidemiologic Terms;
Risk Factors - what characteristics are associated with the disease?
non-modifiable (not changeable) e.g. age, sex
modifiable (changeable) e.g. behavior
Uses of Epidemiology ;
disease occurence
disease cause
factor increasing risk of disease
disease extent in a population (magnitude, effects)
natural history of disease
disease characteristics
preventive measures and policy decisions
Issues that Epidemiology Adresses ;
quality of life
What does Epidemiology do?
weighs and balances
contrasts and compares
userates : number of events/population at risk
Epidemiology Rates
events (numerator) - number of people to whom something happened (i.e. they got sick, died, etc.)
population at risk (denominator) - all the people at risk for the event
environment, host, agent, time
Causes of Epidemic
new agent
change in existing agent infectivity (how the agent penetrate/replicate in the environment), pathogenicity (ability to cause a disease), virulence (property of agent)
change in number of susceptible (population) - who are the people affected
environmental changesaffectingtransmissions or growth of agent (e.g. crowded environment)
Epidemiologic Triangle
Individual as a function of time
Epidemiologic Triangle (Traditional)
Epidemiologic Triangle (Modern)
Causative Factors
Risk Factors
infectious - microbes (bacteria, viruses)
non-infectious - riskfactors (smoking, high BP, exposure to chemicals/radiation)
primary agent responsible or ascertain causative factors
growth (decline) and dispersal of population in the past
causal relationship between populationtrends and social organization
future developments and consequences
Describing Population Composition
Sex Composition
sex ratio
sex structure
Describing Population Composition
Age Composition
median age
dependency ratio
Describing Population Composition
Age and Sex Composition
population pyramid
Sex Composition : Sex Ratio - compares the number of males to the number of females
Sex Composition : Sex Ratio Formula
Sex Ratio = number of males/number of females x 100
Sex Composition : Sex Structure - compares the sex ratio across different categories/levels of another characteristic
Age Composition : MedianAge - value which cuts-off the upper 50% and lower 50% of the ages of the population
used to gauge whether the population is young or old
Age Composition : Age-Dependency Ratio - represents the number of dependents that need to be supported bu every 100 persons in the economically-active groups
Age Dependency Ratio Formula
Age Dependency Ratio = population 0-14 years + population >65 years / population 15-64 years old x 100
Age & Sex Composition : PopulationPyramid - a graphicalpresentation of the age and sex composition of the population
describes demographictrends of the population in the past