Communicable Disease 3 - Bacteria

Cards (13)

  • Bacteria
    Single-celled organisms about 100 times smaller than our own cells
  • Most bacteria don't have anything to do with humans, and the ones that do actually help us
  • There are trillions of bacteria in your intestines right now helping you break down your dinner
  • Bacteria
    Can replicate rapidly within our bodies due to the good food supply
  • Bacteria produce toxins
    Which make us feel ill by damaging our cells and tissues
  • In the UK, most chickens have to be vaccinated against salmonella so it's relatively rare
  • Symptoms of salmonella
    Fever, stomach cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Salmonella generally passes by itself within a week, and people just need to stay well hydrated and have a sick bowl close by
  • Gonorrhea
    A sexually transmitted disease (STD) passed on through sexual contact, such as unprotected sex
  • Symptoms of gonorrhea
    Pain when urinating and a thick yellow-green discharge from the vagina or penis
  • Prevention of gonorrhea is by avoiding unsafe sex and using barrier methods of contraception like condoms
  • Treatment of gonorrhea used to be with common antibiotics like penicillin, but now many strains are resistant to penicillin, so rarer and more expensive antibiotics are used
  • The concentration of live bacteria in the body continued to increase after starting the
    course of antibiotics. This was because only a few bacteria killed so love bacteria continued to reproduce