Chapter 10

Cards (25)

  • What are antioxidants?
    Molecules that inhibit oxidation, protect the cell
  • Nutrients with antioxidant properties include A, C, E, and selenium (ACES)
  • Oxi-redox reactions are also known as exchange reactions when the electron switching is even
  • What are free radicals?
    loss of electrons leaving an odd number of electrons
  • Unstable atoms are also known as free radicals
  • Metabolic processes and other environmental factors cause free radical formation.
  • Radicals and destabilize other molecules and damage cells
  • Cell membrane damage, damaged phosphos. can cause the membrane to loose it's integrity
  • Free radicals can damage LDLs, cell proteins, and DNA
  • They cab increase the risk of chronic disease like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cataracts, and alzheimers
  • Antioxidants stabalize free radicals or oppose oxidation
  • Antioxidants donate their own electrons or hydrogens to stabilize radicals or reduce oxidation damage
  • Antioxidant enzyme systems convert free radicals to less damaging substacnes
  • Antioxidants can break down free fatty acids that have become more oxidized
  • Superoxide dismutase converts free radicals to less damaging substances like hydrogen peroxide
  • Catalase remove hydrogen peroxide from the body
  • Glutathione peroxidase removes hydrogen peroxide
  • Iron is part of catalase structure
  • CVD is the leading cause of death within the united states
  • CVD manifests itself as heart attack and stroke
  • Low grade inflammation can be more important that elevated cholesterol levels
  • Plaques in blood vessels are more weakened and more likely to burst,
  • The weakened plaque can lodge in vessels and cut off blood supply, this results in a heart attack or stroke
  • Antioxidants can reduce damage to blood vessels
  • Antioxidants are found in fruits veg and whole grains