Bangalore has a population of 6 million people and is the fastest growing city in Asia
There are 1154 IT companies in Bangalore with a growth of domestic companies such as Infosys
The main industries in Bangalore include Information Technology (IT), Biotechnology, Aerospace, Telecommunications, Engineering, Manufacturing and Defense.
There were 1000 protestors when Lloyds closed down its UK call centres to move to Bangalore in 2000.
Bangalore has the third busiest airport in India
Political impacts
Land set aside for high tech business park 'Electric City'
Gov investment to tackle urban problems
Economic impacts
Growth of informal sector to meet supply of high-tech workforce
Social impacts
growing middle class in gated communities
pressure on housing leading to slums
Technological impacts
growth of domestic IT based companies such as Infosys
Demographic impacts
youthful age structure
rapid population growth due to migration
80% of residents speak english fluently in Bangalore