"... and I'm talking as a hard-headed practical man of business" - p6
Shows us what Mr Birling really thinks of himself
Arrogant and egotistical
"hard-headed" shows that he does not care who he has to step on in order to get what he wants
"practical" could show that he is a quick thinker
"[somewhat impatiently] look- there's nothing mysterious - or scandalous- about this business- at least not so far as im concerned." - p13
The stage directions show us that he is losing his patience with the inspector as he does not like being less important or on the back foot in an arguement
Punctuation shows that he is not very clear on what he is saying as the dashes present that he keeps stuttering when speaking to the inspector
"Because your not to kind of father a chap could go to when he is in trouble- that's why" - Eric p54
Shows that Mr Birling is a poor parent as his son can not go to him when he is in trouble
This suggests that he has not been a supportive father (emotionally wise)