WSIAT Hearings and Hearing Decisions
1. When is a WSIAT hearing scheduled? - once the parties have filed their confirmation of appeal forms, WSIAT will schedule a hearing
2. WSIAT Hearing format - usually the hearing is an oral hearing, but occasional a hearing may be directed to be in writing
3. WSIAT hearings are hearings de novo - hearings at WSIAT are hearings de novo, meaning all evidence and legal argument must be provided; new evidence can also be presented
4. To get new witness evidence and new documentary disclosure accepted for a WSIAT hearing - a party must disclose the new information to the opposing party and to WSIAT at least 3 weeks before the hearing date
5. A WSIAT hearing decision is not rendered immediately following the conclusion of a hearing - instead, a hearing decision has to be released to the parties within 120 days; a WSIAT decision is directed to the WSIB to implement