Preventing disease - smallpox & vaccination
1. Infectious disease cause by a virus - 30% death rate
2. Survivors had scarring and blindness
3. Epidemics happened in 1722, 1723, 1740-42
4. Over 3500 died in 1796
5. People tried using inoculation to prevent smallpox
6. Inoculation - a small cut was made in the skin and some smallpox pus was given to the individual in the hopes that they won't contract smallpox - 50% success rate
7. Edward Jenner - noticed that diary maids who contracted cowpox did not contract smallpox
8. He tested this theory by giving a young boy cowpox - the young boy got sick then got better - he then gave the young boy smallpox - the young boy did not get sick - proved his idea
9. Discovered the first vaccine - a weakened strain of a disease that stops the disease
10. Sent his finding to the royal society
11. This was significant because Jenner showed the values of the scientific method, vaccination had a major impact on medicine, less people were dying, vaccination was cheap and eventually made free by the government, by 1970 smallpox was eradicated worldwide
12. There was a lot of opposition to vaccination, vaccination did not lead to other breakthroughs and there was no way to make vaccinations for other diseases
13. Pasteur was the first person to create a vaccine that was not provided by nature