Academic library - A type of library that supports the curriculum and research
Fact-checking - This is confirming the accuracy of information made in a speech, research, news article, or editorial
Indigenous - A native or local
Indigenous communication - These are information exchange via local channels
Indigenous knowledge - These are distinctive facts, information, and skills that originate in a community of people sharing same beliefs, ideas, and cultures
Indigenous media - Also called community media; these are communicative tools and resources of indigenous peoples
Informant - A person who provides details about his/her language, values, beliefs, or culture to a researcher
Information sources - These refer to people, groups, and records from which data is gathered
Information - These are facts and figures based from learning, research, or communication.
Internet - A global system that links computer networks under the same set of communication protocols
Librarian - A professional who manages the library
Library - These are collections of books, periodicals, and other resources are organized through a classification system
Public library - A type of library open for all
School library - A type of library for students and teachers
Special library - A type of library for a specific group of people