Re catholic Christianity

Cards (100)

  • 3 persons of the trinity:
    Father, Son, Holy Spirit
  • Quote for God the Father
    "Our Father who art in heaven" -Our Father
  • Quote for the Son
    "the word became flesh" - Bible
  • What sacraments is the Trinity present in?
  • How is the Trinity present in Baptism?
    -Present as the sacrament is done in the sign of the cross.
  • How is the Trinity present in Communion?
    -It begins in the sign of the Cross
    -The Son is present in the bread and wine through the Holy Spirit.
  • 3 qualities of God shown in creation:
  • Quote for Omnipotence
    -"Let there be light: and there was light"- Bible
  • Quote for benevolence:
    -"God saw that the light was good"- Bible
  • Two ways Creation story can be interpreted:
  • How is Jesus fully human?
    -He is born of Mary
    -He dies on the cross
  • How is Jesus fully God?

    -He heals and performs miracles
    -He is from Mary who conceived him as a virgin
  • Why did the word become flesh (with quote as well)?
    -"To save" CCC
    -To share the grace of God through- such as through Jesus' work of miracles
  • Why is the incarnation important?
    -Catholics believe they can be transformed by grace through the incarnation.

    -Catholics believe they are able to share life of Jesus through the Sacraments.
  • What is redemption in relation to the Paschal mystery?
    -When Jesus was redeemed for the freedom from sin for all humans
  • What is redemptive efficacy?
    -Through the death of Jesus, humans were saved from eternal sin and separation from God.
  • Why did Jesus die? (2)
    -Jesus died for our salvation (saved from sin)
    -To show humans how to react to cruelty (he says "father, forgive them" talking of his crucifiers).
  • Why did Jesus resurrect? (2)

    -Shows how he is God as only God can overcome death.
    -Forms the foundation of the Church
  • Why did Jesus ascend? (2)
    -It prepares humans for the journey towards heaven following Jesus.
    -It signifies the letting go of Jesus which allowed for the arrival of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost.
  • What is a sacrament defined by the CCC?
    "An outward sign of inward grace"
  • Why is baptism important? (2)
    -Removal of original sin
    -Welcomes as member of the church
  • Quote for Baptism
    "make disciples of all nations, baptising them" -Bible
  • Why is Confirmation important? (2)
    -Strengthens faith as a more mature and active Catholic.
    -Receives the 7 gifts of the holy spirit
  • Quote for confirmation
    "he will teach you all things" (via Holy Spirit) John
  • Why is Eucharist important? (2)
    -Receiving the presence of Christ physically.
    -Unity of the Catholic Church
  • Quote for Eucharist
    "This is my body... this is my blood" - Bible
  • Why is reconciliation important? (2)
    -Sin is forgiven
    -Advice is offered to the confessor
  • Quote for reconciliation
    "if you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven" John/Bible
  • What is the importance of marriage?
    -Two people give themselves permanently and exclusively.
    -Open to the chance of procreation.
  • Quote for marriage
    "no longer two but one" - Matthew
  • Why is the anointing of the sick important? (2)
    -it gives strength to the person who is suffering.
    -It prepares a person before death.
  • Quote for anointing of the sick
    "cast out many demons, and anointed with oil" Mark/Bible
  • Why are holy orders important?
    -Priesthood established Christ's presence through the sacraments.
  • What are the 4 parts of the mass?

    Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Concluding Rites
  • Quote for tradition of the Eucharist:
    -"Do this in remembrance of me"- Bible
  • Quote for Liturgy of Eucharist
    Lumen Gentium : "taken up into communion with him and with one another"
  • Quote for the funeral rite
    "Look forward to the ressurection of the dead" - Nicene creed.
  • 3 parts of the Funeral Rite
    -Vigil of Prayer at home
    -Requiem mass - remembering the deceased person's life
    -Rite of committal and commendation - saying final goodbyes at cemetery.
  • 3 aims of the funeral rite
    -Communion with the deceased
    -Communion of the community
    -Proclamation of eternal life to the community
  • What is the communion with the deceased?
    -Supports the dead person on their journey to life after death.
    -Through efficacious prayer