Adorno argued high levels of authoritarianism were linked to personality disorders, disagreeing with Milgram's view that we are all capable of extremeobedience
The three types of conformity are: compliance, identification and internalisation.
Compliance is when you agree with the group externally but keep personalopinions and is a temporary change in behaviour.
Identification is when behaviour and privatevalues change only when with the group, as membership is valued.
Internalisation is when your personalopinions genuinely change to match the group and this is a permanent change.
The 2 explanations of conformity are: normative social influence and informational social influence.
Informational social influence is if the correct behaviour is uncertain, we look to the majority for guidance on how to behave because we want to be correct. This results in internalisation and is permanent.
Normative social influence is when the individual wants to appear normal and be one of the majority so they are approved, not rejected. This is temporary and results in compliance.
Asch (1951) found that his participants were deceived and asked to take part in a visualperceptiontask with 7-9 confederates. On 12/18 critical trials the confederates gave the wronganswers.
Results from Asch’s experiment- conformity was 32%, 0.04% in control group, 75% conformed at least once and 5% all 12 times.
The three variables in Asch’s study were: group size, unanimity and task difficulty.
Asch’s confederates not actors, potential for demandcharacteristics from participants if aims were guessed. Only men were used in Asch’s study and so it may have suffered from beta bias.
Authoritarian Personality-Adorno argued high levels of obedience was a psychological disorder linked to personality, disagreeing with Milgram who suggested we are all capable of extreme obedience.
Adorno (1950)- studied personality with questionaires. Questions revealed unconsciousfeelings towards minority groups and developed the F Scale.
People who scored highly on the F Scale showed high respect for people with higher socialstatus, had fixed stereotypes for other groups. Identified with strongpeople and disliked weakpeople.
Adorno suggested these people had their personality shaped early in life by strictauthoritarianparenting with harsh physical punishments. Anger from this experience was displaced (Freud) onto others, mainly minority groups.
Authoritarian Personality-Elmes and Milgram (1966)-
Interviews of participants who had taken part in the first 4 Milgram studies showed those that had shocked to the full 450V scored higher on the F scale than those who failed to continue.
The link between authoritarianpersonalities and followingorders is correlational. It could be a third factor, such as lower income or poor education that results in both behaviours.
The original F scale lacks internalvalidity. All the questions were written in one direction, meaning that agreeing to all questions will label someone as authoritarian. This is known as response bias.
Authoritarianpersonality can be seen as a leftwing theory and inherently biased, as it identifies many individuals with a conservative political viewpoint as having a psychological disorder.