Chapter 11

Cards (41)

  • bones are living organs that contain bone tissue, cartilage, and connective tissue.
  • Nerves and blood are found within bones, to support it;s activities
  • Bones provides strength and flexibility
  • Bones contain 65% mineral that provides it it's hardness
  • Bones contain 35% organic structures for flexibility (collagen)
  • Hydroxyapatite are mineral crystals around collagen that are designed to bear weight (calcium and phosphorous)
  • Cortical bone makes 80% of skeleton, which is the outer surface of the bone
  • Trabecular bone is the inside of the bone and makes up 20% of it,
  • The trebacular bone has a fast turnover rate, it is sensitive to hormonal and nutritional differences
  • Bone growth completes by age 18 in girls and age 21 in boys
  • Bone modelling is complete by early adult hood, exercise and overweight increase bone thickness
  • Bone remodelling is the breakdown of old bone tissue and the formation of new ones
  • Bone density is the compactness of bones
  • Peak bone density is when bones are at their strongest
  • Resorption: surface of bones is broken down by osterclasts
  • New bone matrix is then formed by osteoblasts, which can synthesize a new bone matrix by laying down collagen containing components of bone
  • Hydroxyapatite crystalizes and packs together
  • Bone resorption and formation are equal in young and healthy adults
  • Resorption exceeds new bone formation after age 40, density begins to decrease
  • High peak one mass is achieved through proper nutrition and exercise
  • A stronger skeleton is protective against osteoperosis
  • Calcium provides structures for bones and teeth
  • Calcium assists with the acid base balance
  • Calcium assists in the transmission of nerve impulses
  • Calcium assists in muscle contraction
  • Osteoporosis is a long term calcium deficiency
  • Vitamin D is a fat soluable vitamin that is stored in the liver and adipose tissue
  • Vitamin D can be synthesized by the body from exposure to UV rays from the run
  • Vitamin D is considered a hormone, synthesized in one location and regulates activities in other parts of the body
  • Fluoride is a trace mineral stored in teeth and bones
  • Fluoride develops bones and teeth
  • Fluoride combines with calcium and phosphor. to form fluorohydroxyapatite to form teeth
  • Fluorosis is excess fluoride that stimulates protein content of tooth enamel and makes teeth porous
  • Hydroxyapatite: mineral crystals around collagen to bear weight
  • Hydroxyapatite components: calcium and phosphor
  • Hydroxyapatite formation: influenced by the magnesium
  • Osteoclasts break down bones which is stimulate by vitamin D
  • Osteoblasts build bone that secretes osteocalcin, which is dependant on vitamin K
  • Osteoporosis is the most prevalent disorder that affect bone health
  • Osteoporosis is charatarized by low bone mass, bone tissue decay, fragile bones, and bone compaction