So that light can pass through it to the palisade layer
Which structures help to minimise water loss.
Guardcells which can close stomata
what happens when the plant has lots of water?
If there is plenty of water in the leaf, guard cells become turgid, which opens the stomata. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaf, but also allows water to escape.
At night time, when photosynthesis can't take place, are the stomata normally open or closed?
what is meristem tissue and where is it found?
Meristem tissue is made up of plant stems cells. It's found in the growing parts of the plant such as the tips of shoots and roots.
function of the xylem
Transports water and minerals up the plant
function of phloem
transport sugar
function of the stomata
holes in the leaf for gas exchange
Function of spongy mesophyll
has airspaces for fasterdiffusion
Function of waxy cuticle
prevent water loss, thin and transparent to allow light into the palisade cells.
Function of Palisade layer
Packed with chloroplasts, main site of photosynthesis
function of the upper epidermis
allows light to the palisademesophyllbelow and produces the waxy layer