Digital social media P3

Cards (52)

  • Martell
    time space compression
    geographical distance and time no longer matter due to new forms of communication
  • McLuhan
    Global village
    communication and media central nervous system for the world connecting everyone suggesting cultural homogenisation
  • Waters
    social process
    constraints of geography on economic political and social arrangements have declined
  • Giddens
    growing interconnectedness
    globalisation is the process of growing interconnectedness between countries
  • Boyle
    media convergence
    digitalisation allows media convergence to take place
    suggests separate media forms can be accessed through one device
  • Carter
    virtual community
    people who meet a person online do continue their friendship offline
  • Boelistorff
    second life
    showed how the virtual worlds can change ideas about identity and society
    game includes a rape add on
  • Castells
    horizontal organisation
    the emergence of digital tech, culture is easily available. communication and info are now organised horizontally
  • Kirkpatrick
    Facebook effect
    social media can be used top mobilise large numbers of people to protest
    also shows glocalisation as other countries use Facebook as a dating website
  • castells (positive)

    decentralised power
    DSM has decentralised power of communication, its given everyone power of communication which strengthens the proletariat
  • Jenkins
    transnational companies
    ownership of media companies is concentrated in the hands of a few major transnational companies
  • Fuchs
    digital underclass
    technology reinforces inequality strengthening the bourgeoisie
  • Castells (-)

    global criminal economy
    a global criminal economy is possible due to digital communication
    currently worth at least £1 trillion
  • Cornford & Robins
    factories vs tech
    their has been a change in what the bourgeoisie own, a shift from factories to technology companies
  • Edward snowdon report
    talks about phone hacking, digital communication is said to be surveying us through data collection
  • Haraway
    women are empowered to become cyborgs as internet grants anonymity and stops them being essentialised
  • Nakamura
    muted groups
    women from ethnic minority gaining more presence enabling them to unite
  • Cochrane
    reactive feminism
    digital social media encouraging women to build empowering and reactive movements
  • Arlaccki
    undesirable results
    exploitation has been one of the most undesirable consequences of globalisation
  • Hughes
    patriarchal ideas
    DSM offers new ways patriarchal ideas can exert over women
    • bride trafficking
    • sex trafficking
    • sex tourism
  • Collins
    different identities
    individuals have different online and offline identities that can change between platforms
  • Baudrillard
    hyper reality
    people find it hard to distinguish between real world and online identity
  • Bjorklund
    people now use digital media as an ongoing autobiography which can be continually updated
  • Hart
    status updates
    status updates seen as culturally significant as reflect peoples actions in a particular social context
  • Case
    unable to remove
    constant updating online can cause problems for adolescence as they can't remove it later in life
  • Fousault
    surveillance is the best way to regulate a persons behaviour
  • Ellison
    multiple personalities
    individuals are now able to adopt multiple online personalities
  • Hart
    constructing identity
    people use social media to construct both social identity and the self they want to project
  • Van Dijk
    mass self communication
    people now fond of mass self communication as they are disclosing information for popularity
  • Turkle
    loosing burdens
    internet based networks free people of their burdens of physical identities and present 'better' versions of themselves
  • Gardner and Davis
    3 media trends
    construct socially desirable self online, adopt range of fictional identities, manage online impressions
    • in young people
  • Twenge
    negative reaction
    the fear of negative reactions result in rising levels of moodiness and anxiety in teenagers
  • Turkle
    mentally tethered
    young people mentally tethered to digital devices weakening youngs ability to create an independent sense of self
  • Shaw and Gant
    elderly skills
    technological develops skills of the elderly such as:
    • cognitive capacity
    • self competence
    • mental and physical wellbeing
    • reduced loneliness
  • Ginsburg
    disabled engagement
    DSM provides platform to engage in first person discussion eg digital video activism, support networks and able bodied avatars
  • Granovetter
    strength of relationships
    4 ways to measure the strength of a relationship:
    • time spent together
    • emotional intensity
    • level of intimacy
    • degree of reciprocity
    weak & strong ties
  • Gardner and Davis
    enabling relationships
    internet has enabled relationships as they transcend geographical and temporal barriers
  • Miller
    impact of facebook
    after a century of social networking and community to be in decline. Facebook has hugely expanded social relationships in a global context
  • Turkle
    alone togetherness
    people that are in the same room but use devices to communicate with eachother
  • Vincent
    twitter effect
    social media leads to relationship breakdown as people cheat online and cause conflict