transport in animal

Cards (44)

  • Mammalian circulatory system

    • Transport system needed due to low surface area to volume ratio and high oxygen demand
    • Double circulatory systemone loop through the heart and lungs (pulmonary circulation), one loop through the heart and body (systemic circulation)
    • Double circulation means blood is under higher pressure travelling around the body so oxygen is delivered faster for aerobic respiration and a constant body temperature can be maintained
    • Closed system → blood is contained in blood vessels
  • Blood transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, amino acids, urea, hormones, and many other things
  • Arteries
    • Carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body (except pulmonary artery)
    • Outer collagen layer for strength and support
    • Thick layer of smooth muscle provides strength to withstand high blood pressure
    • Elastic tissue layer allows stretch and recoil to maintain and withstand high blood pressure
    • Folded endothelium allows stretching
  • Arterioles
    • Carry oxygenated blood
    • Smaller vessels that branch off from arteries and into capillaries
    • Contain muscle tissue which can contract or relax to control blood flow to different areas of the body
  • Capillaries
    • Endothelium is one cell thick to give a short diffusion pathway for exchange
    • Site of gas exchange and exchange of other substances
    • Networks of capillaries throughout tissues called capillary beds
    • Large number to increase surface area for exchange
    • Red blood cells in single file to increase surface area in contact with the endothelium
  • Veins
    • Carry deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart (except pulmonary vein)
    • Outer collagen layer for strength and support
    • Wider lumen and less muscle and elastic tissue than arteries because blood pressure is lower
    • Blood under low pressure so valves prevent backflow
    • Closer to body surface than arteries and can appear bulged
  • Venulessmall blood vessels carrying deoxygenated blood
    capillaries converge into venules, venules converge into veins
  • Formation of tissue fluid
    • Tissue fluid surrounds cells and exchanges substances with them
    Small molecules (e.g. water, oxygen, glucose) can leave the capillaries but large molecules (e.g. plasma
    proteins) and red blood cells cannot
    • Blood is under high hydrostatic pressure produced by contraction of the ventricles
  • Tissue fluid formation
    1. Arteriole end: Hydrostatic pressure in capillaries is higher than in tissue fluid so fluid is forced out the capillary into intracellular space
    2. Hydrostatic pressure in capillaries decreases across the capillary bed as more fluid is forced out the capillaries
    3. Oncotic pressure from tissue fluid into capillaries increases as plasma protein concentration of blood increases and water potential of blood decreases
    4. Venule end: Fluid loss means that the concentration of large proteins in the blood increases so the water potential of the blood lowers and oncotic pressure increases
    5. Water is drawn back into the capillaries by osmosis
  • Lymphatic system
    Excess tissue fluid drains into lymph vessels (not all fluid re-enters capillaries)
    • Lymph vessels have valves to prevent backflow due to low pressure
    • Lymph fluid gets returned to the blood near the heart
  • Blood
    Red and white blood cells
    Dissolved solutes
    (e.g. glucose, salts)
  • Tissue fluid
    • Small number of white blood
    cells (e.g. lymphocytes)
    Dissolved solutes
    (e.g. glucose, salts)
  • Lymph fluid
    White blood cells
    (e.g. lymphocytes)
    Dissolved solutes
    (e.g. glucose, salts)
  • Human heart structure
    • Four chambers with muscular walls → two atria, two
    • Right side pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
    • Left side pumps oxygenated blood to the body
    • Walls of ventricles are thicker than walls of atria
    → more contraction force needed to get blood out of the heart
    • Wall of left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle
    blood must be under higher pressure to travel round the whole body so stronger contraction is needed
  • Atrioventricular (AV) valves
    Prevent backflow of blood
  • Semi-lunar (SL) valves
    Prevent backflow of blood
  • Left atrioventricular valve
    Bicuspid valve (has two flaps)
  • Right atrioventricular valve
    Tricuspid valve (has three flaps)
  • Cords
    • Prevent atrioventricular valves being forced into atria
  • Coronary arteries
    Supply heart muscle tissue with blood
  • Blood flow
    1. Unidirectional
    2. Pressure changes cause valves to open or close
    3. When pressure is higher in the atria than the ventricles the atrioventricular valves open
    4. When pressure is higher in the ventricles than the atria the atrioventricular valves close
  • Stroke volume → volume of blood pumped out of the left
    ventricle during one cardiac cycle (beats per minute)
    Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped out of the heart per min (cm3)
    Cardiac output (cm3 min-1) = stroke volume x heart rate
  • Cardiac muscle
    Myogenic - contracts and relaxes without nervous stimulation
  • Heart activity
    1. Sino-atrial node (SAN) in wall of right atrium sends out waves of electrical excitation
    2. Atrial walls depolarise and contract
    3. Impulses transferred to atrioventricular node (AVN)
    4. Impulses passed down bundle of His and around Purkyne tissue
    5. Ventricular walls depolarise and contract from bottom up
  • A band of non-conducting collagen tissue prevents the depolarisation spreading from the atrial walls to the ventricles
  • Cardiac muscle takes a short while to repolarise after depolarisation which means that diastole follows systole
  • External structure of the heart
    • Blood vessels may appear branched and crossed over
  • Cardiac cycle
    Changes in volume and pressure due to contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles
  • Ventricular diastole
    1. Atrial systole → volume decreases, pressure increases
    2. Atrioventricular valves are open
    3. Blood forced into ventricles (volume and pressure rise slightly)
  • Atrial diastole
    1. Ventricular systole → volume decreases, pressure increases
    2. Atrioventricular valves close
    3. Pressure in arteries is lower than ventricles
    4. Semilunar valves open
    5. Blood forced into aorta and pulmonary artery
  • Atrial diastole
    1. Ventricular diastole
    2. Pressure in arteries is higher than ventricles
    3. Semilunar valves close
    4. Blood returns to the atriavolume and pressure increase gradually
    5. Atrioventricular valves openpassive flow from atria to ventricles
  • Electrocardiographs
    • Records changes in electrical activity → can see when the heart muscle depolarises and repolarises
    P wave = depolarisation (contraction) of atriaatrial systole
    QRS complex = depolarisation of ventricles → ventricular systole
    T wave = repolarisation (relaxation) of ventriclesdiastole
  • Tachycardia = fast heart rate
    Bradycardia = slow heart rate
    Ectopic heartbeat = early contraction of the atria or ventricles
    Ventricular fibrillation = irregular contraction of the ventricles
    Atrial fibrillation= irregular contraction of the atria
  • Structure and function of Haemoglobin
    Conjugated protein consisting of four polypeptide chains and four haem groups which contain iron ions
    • Each haemoglobin protein can bind four oxygen molecules to form oxyhaemoglobin (the haem groups bind oxygen) in a reversible reaction
    • Found in erythrocytes (red blood cells)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen (pO2)

    Concentration of oxygen
  • Haemoglobin
    • Higher affinity for oxygen at high pO2
    • Lower affinity for oxygen at low pO2
  • High pO2
    Oxygen loads where there lots of oxygen e.g. at the alveoli
  • Low pO2
    Oxygen unloads where oxygen is low e.g. at respiring tissues
  • Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve

    Shows the percentage saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen at different pO2
  • Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
    • S-shaped curve
    • Binding of first oxygen molecule changes the quaternary structure of haemoglobin
    • Another haem group is uncovered for the second oxygen molecule to bind to so it binds more easily