All major economic, social and environmental problems can be fixed with technology + innovation
Improvements in food production technology
Hybridization and genetic modification of crops
Transition to monoculture production
Food storage technology
Food distribution technology
Population growth happened because of nutrition, artificial fertilizers, plant breeding technologies, production technologies, health, sanitation, antibiotics, therapies
Karl Marx (1818-83)
-Human social behaviour can be understood in the context of the capitalist economy, which creates social classes that necessarily compete with one another for resources, -Das Kapital (1867) remains widely studied today, - Poverty and social problems lead to population growth, Solution = social change
We are approaching, or have already surpassed Earth's carrying capacity, Over-population issues = first priority
Eliminate poverty via social change, equal wealth and resource distribution, will reduce population growth
IPAT(S) or ImPAcT model
I = P x A x T x S where I = impact, P = population, A = affluence, T = technology, S = sensitivity
Two worlds
Small population, High consumption per person, Consume environmental capital from elsewhere
Large populations, Low consumption per person (but increasing)
Canada = 571 Mt total emissions, Mexico = 492 Mt total emissions, Canada = 15.5 tonnes/person, Mexico = 3.9 tonnes/person, Sweden = 5.5t per person
The average American (and Canadian) places at least 20 times the demand on Earth's resources
Solutions for high income countries
Significantly reduce our footprints
Solutions for low income countries
Reduce population growth, Limit growth of per person footprint
Solutions for low income countries
Maternal health-care, Reduction in childhood morbidity, Improved status of women, employment opportunities, Male education, Contraceptive availability, Living in a stable environment
Social empowerment of women
Reduces unintended pregnancy
Increasing female literacy
Associated with reduced birth rates
School enrollment
Associated with low fertility
Population growth rates slowing but population continuing to grow, Consumption continues to increase, Deteriorating environmental conditions