Blood supply allows for cell migration (especially important in emergency situations)
T cells migrate here and mature here
Located above and in front of heart
Shrinks with age (immune system also fades with age)
As you get older you are going to have more memory cells so that body is not going to need to make as many new T cells
Immature T cells
Secondary lymphoid organs
Initiation of an immune response
Secondary lymphoid organs
Have antigen presenting cells (macrophage, dendritic cells, B cells) and endothelial cells (Have specific proteins and receptors that draw the cells in)
Inside secondary organs, clonal expansion will occur and differentiate into effector cells after lymphocyte is activated
Lymph nodes & Vessels
T and B cells camp out in the nodes and fluid is drained into nodes
All fluid HAS to go through here and get checked out (like TSA for lymph)
Multiple ways in but only one efferent pathway
Antigens travel to lymph nodes (freely or carried by an AB) then get presented to T cells (tcells become activated and are effectors
Nodes are perfect meeting spot for antigen and immune cells
Chemokines send out "come here" signals (gradients)
Lymphatics carry lymph back into blood after (move vla muscle contractions)