open - exchange energy and matter with their surroundings
closed - energy or matter do not leave the system - total energy remains the same
Energy - measured in joules - cannot be created or destroyed - can only be transferred ( principle of conservation of energy )
energy stores
thermal - energy an object has because of its temperature
chemical - energy transferred by chemical reactions
kinetic - energy an object has because it is moving
gravitational potential- energy an object has due to its heigh above ground
Elastic potential - energy an elastic object has when it is stretched or compressed
nuclear - energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
magnetic - energy a magnetic object has when it is near a magnet or in a magnetic field
electrostatic - energy a charged object has near another charged object
how energy is transferred
forces (mechanical) - energy transferred when a force moves or changes the shape of an object
heating - energy transferred from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature
radiation - energy transferred in the form of a wave
electricity - energy transferred by an electric current
Energy transfers
ball thrown upwards by a person - chemical store in a person (from food) mechanically transferred to the kinetic energy store of the ball - ball slows down as it goes up - kinetic energy mechanically transferred to gravitational potential store
Kettle boiling water - energy transferred from the thermal energy store of the heating element by heating to the thermal store of the water
car accelerating with a constant force - energy transferred from chemical store of the car from the petrol mechanically to the kinetic energy store of the car
car braking - friction in the wheels causes energy to be transferred mechanically from the kinetic stor to the thermal store of surroundings
car crashing - energy transferred from kinetic energy store mechanically to the thermal store of the wall