In a negligence case, there must be = do you care, breach of duty, harm suffered by plaintive, the harm must be a result of defendants breach of duty.
Statute of limitations is what = Timetofilealawsuit,whichistwoyears
Elements of a valid contract = offer,acceptance,consideration
Types of contracts = express,implied
Providers are required to report what = Childabuseandelderabuse
Neglect is what = failure,refusalofcaregiver,orotherresponsiblepersontoprovidephysical,emotionalorsocialneeds,orfailuretoprotectfromharm
Exploitation is what = unauthorizedorimproperuseofresourcesformonetaryorpersonalbenefit,profitorgain
An incompetent person cannot what = consent or refuse care
Patient self-determination act requires providers to inform patients of what = theirrighttoacceptorrefusetreatment,theirrightsinregardingtoadvancedirectivesunderstatelaw,anyhospital,orproviderprocessesregardingwithholdingorwithdrawinglife-sustainingequipment
What is risk management? = identifyingrisks,riskassessandanalyze,plan,action,implement, (measure, control,andmonitor)
Ethics are what = rulesofconductforparticularissuesbasedonwhatisbelievedtoberightorwrong
Who should you report criminal conduct to? = localpolice
Who should you report improper disclosure of patient information to = thePrivacyOfficer
Who should you report provider misconduct to? = practiceadministratororofficemanager
Office staff misconduct is reported to = practiceadministrator,securityofficer,orofficemanager
Autonomyiswhat = patient has a right to make determinations for him or her self
Beneficenceiswhat = requires people to do what is in the best interest of others
Distributive justiceiswhat = the principal by which we as a society decide to allocate resources that are in scarce supply
egalitarian approach = everyone gets an equal share