-object-oriented programming language developed by Macromedia Inc
-You can use ActionScript 3.0 (AS3)
Menu Organizers
Movie Clip Players
Variable Checkers
JavaScript programming language that adds functionality to web pages
To access ActionScript Panel in the Properties panel press F9
Commands – what to do
Functions – to do a specific task
Operators -Predefined functionality such as adding and subtracting
Variable .hold on information and behave depending on what information is used
• Semi-colons are used to terminate statements.
Data Types -range of valid values a variable is capable of storing
Character (char): individual letters, symbols, or characters. Can be a single character or a string of characters.
Is only able to hold 8 bytes
Floating Point (real): fractional numbers.
Float: up to seven decimal places
Double: up to fifteen decimal places
String: sequence of characters Strings can be constant (fixed) or variable (changeable).
Can hold more than 8 bytes
Boolean: logical values (true or false). Used for decision-making and control flow.
Void or “Null” (Nothing): no return value.
Conditional - carries out commands depending on certain conditions
“==“ comparison operator - all commands found within if are executed when the conditions are met.
IF ELSE - allows you to test a condition and execute a block of code if that condition is TRUE, or execute an alternative block of code if the condition is FALSE
IF ELSE IF - additional condition. If the previous if condition was false, it checks this new condition.If the new condition evaluates to true, the code block inside the else if statement is executed.
SWITCH STATEMENT - useful if you have several execution paths that depend on the same condition expression.
Loop/LOOPING - set of instructions to be repeated until a condition is reached.
FOR LOOP - repeat statements for a specific number of times.
WHILE LOOP - This loop will continue to perform the defined action until the condition is FALSE.
do-while loop - This loop is similar to the while loop but the main difference is that it will perform at least one iteration, then it will evaluate if the condition is TRUE.
UP - Executed initially by default.
OVER - Executed once the mouse pointer is placed directly over the button.