Cards (32)

  • Button - to add functionality to an animation.
    • Action Panel where you place lines of code.
  • ActionScripts
    -lines of code
    -object-oriented programming language developed by Macromedia Inc
    -You can use ActionScript 3.0 (AS3)
    1. Menu Organizers
    2. Movie Clip Players
    3. Variable Checkers
    • JavaScript programming language that adds functionality to web pages
  • To access ActionScript Panel in the Properties panel press F9
  • Commands – what to do
  • Functions – to do a specific task
    • Operators -Predefined functionality such as adding and subtracting
    • Variable .hold on information and behave depending on what information is used
  • Semi-colons are used to terminate statements.
    • Data Types -range of valid values a variable is capable of storing
    • Character (char): individual letters, symbols, or characters. Can be a single character or a string of characters. 
    • Is only able to hold 8 bytes
    • Floating Point (real): fractional numbers. 
  • Float: up to seven decimal places
  • Double: up to fifteen decimal places
    • String: sequence of characters Strings can be constant (fixed) or variable (changeable).
    • Can hold more than 8 bytes
    • Boolean: logical values (true or false). Used for decision-making and control flow.
  • Void or “Null” (Nothing): no return value.
  • Conditional - carries out commands depending on certain conditions
  • “==“ comparison operator - all commands found within if are executed when the conditions are met.
    1. IF ELSE - allows you to test a condition and execute a block of code if that condition is TRUE, or execute an alternative block of code if the condition is FALSE
  • IF ELSE IF - additional condition. If the previous if condition was false, it checks this new condition.If the new condition evaluates to true, the code block inside the else if statement is executed.
    • SWITCH STATEMENT - useful if you have several execution paths that depend on the same condition expression.
  • Loop/LOOPING - set of instructions to be repeated until a condition is reached.
  • FOR LOOP - repeat statements  for a specific number of times.
  • WHILE LOOP - This loop will continue to perform the defined action until the condition is FALSE.
  • do-while loop - This loop is similar to the while loop but the main difference is that it will perform at least one iteration, then it will evaluate if the condition is TRUE.
  • UP -  Executed initially by default.
  • OVER - Executed once the mouse pointer is placed directly over the button.
  • DOWN - Executed when you press the button.
  • HIT -  Declares the range of a button.