What is the neural explanation as an approach to explaining OCD?
-Low serotonin levels are thought to cause obsessive thoughts,
and the low level of serotonin is likely due to it being removed
too quickly from the synapse before it has been able to
transmit its signal / influence the postsynaptic cell.
-Serotonin and other neurotransmitters are chemical
messengers; presynaptic neurons release neurotransmitters,
and receptors on the postsynaptic neuron detect these; if the
signal is strong enough, then the message is passed on, the
neurotransmitters detach from the receptors and are taken
back to the presynaptic neuron through a process
-It seems this process happens too quickly in
people with OCD, leading to reduced serotonin levels in the
-The SERT gene is the gene responsible for serotonin
transportation in the synapse.