mudstonesandshales - most abundant sedimentary rocks
sorting - the tendency for variations in current velocity to segregate sediments on the basis of particle size
limestone - is the most abundant biochemical precipitate in the oceans
Ripples occur :a)on sand beneath the waves b)at beaches on underwater sandbars c)in streams on the surface of wind d)swept dunes e)allofthesecanhaveripples
oxidation - the process not contributing to clastic rocks
What is the pressure of upper surface of unconfined aquifer? - equal to the atmospheric pressure
dip factor - has to be considered while giving cuts in stratified rocks
which zones are the most potential surfaces for rock slips - shear zones
deltaic - is dominated by waves and tidal currents?
what can be said about stability of slope when the layers are horizontal -stableatallanglesupto90degrees
which of the following rock types form the steepest slopes - volcanic ash beds
the unique landform known as the chocolate hills of bohol was formed ages ago by the uplift of coral deposits and the action of rainwater and erosion - true
stratification can be seen widely in which of the following rocks - sedimentary rocks
outcrop is seen on land everywhere on earth - false
what is the characteristic sloping surface in rotational slides - curved
What is the porosity of newly deposited mud - > 50%
what is the upper surface of the zone saturation called - watertable
majority of rocks are devoid of joints and cracks - false
Which sedimentary rock is said to be the best kind of formation for groundwater - gravel
What is the change in volume when water freezes - 10% increase
Marine sediments deposited in water depths greater than about 12,000 feet usually lack - carbonate shells
Which of the following lists is written in order of decreasing particle size - conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone
what is rated next to the gravels as water yielding materials - sands
an aquifer can hold water______ and the state of water is______ (temporarily, state of flow)
groundwater is subordinate to surface water - false
which of the following has the steepest angle of repose - angular quartz pebbles
As the amount of water in a pile of quartz increases, the angle of repose will - first increase andthendecrease
Which of the following sandstone types is most likely to form by the mechanical and intense chemical weathering of a granite - quartzarenite
Siliceous environments, named for the silica-rich shells deposited in them, occur - inadeep-sea environment
In the cross section of a sand dune given above, the wind was blowing - -------->
which of the following is an external factor for failure - removal of vegetation
the main process which do not come under chemical weathering are - insolation
The accumulation of rocks at the base of a cliff is called - talus
What is the difference between an earthflow and a debris flow - Earthflowsconsistoffinermaterialthandebrisflows
the removal of particles of dust and sand by strong winds is called - deflation
the water which in a state of downward movement under gravity is - vadosewater
the water in an oasis is obtained from which source - water table
why is a stalagmite different from stalactite - stalagmites arise from the ground floor
which is the rock present in the majority on the surface of earth - sedimentary rock
type of bedding where sorting and arrangement has occurred based on grain size is - graded bedding