Reds, yellows, oranges - seem to advance in an artwork
Cool colors
Blues, greens, violets - seem to recede in an artwork
The way the surface of an object actually feels or looks like it feels
Types of texture
Tactile/real (actual feel)
Implied (looks like it feels)
Divided into foreground, middle ground, and background
Types of space
Positive space
The actual object(s) within the artwork
Negative space
The area in and around the objects, the "background"
Using a vanishing point on the horizon to create a sense of deep space
When objects overlap, it shows there is enough space in the picture to contain them all
The Principles of Design are
the ways that Designers use the
Elements of Design to create good
Compositions (Graphic Artwork)
There are 10 Principles of Design
Unity/Harmony Proportion
This principle of design refers to the distribution of visual Weight in a work of art.
•Symmetrical balance: where when the weight is equally distributed on both sides of the central axis. (it does not have to be exact but close).
•Radial balance: a kind of balance where the elements branch or radiate out from a central point.
Contrast - A design principle that emphasizes differences between the art elements. Use of opposites
Emphasis - The principle of design that is concerned with dominance; the stressing of a particular area of focus over something of equal importance.(also called focal point)
Variety - is achieved when the different art elements are combined in various ways to increase visual interest.