Cards (42)

  • Judging is the forming of opinion or conclusion about something.
  • Relevance is the state of being closely related or appropriate to it.
  • Worthiness is the state of being good enough. (Is the evidence enough?)
  • Soundness is one in which the truth of the premise would guarantee the truth of the conclusion.
  • Effectiveness is to which something is successful in achieving its desired result.
  • In relevance and worthiness, the main idea of the text, its point and sentences should relate to the topic of the presentation and should be on point.
  • In relevance and worthiness, the supporting details or evidences provided must support the central idea.
  • In relevance and worthiness, the listener or the audience should be able to infer the author's main idea.
  • In effectiveness, the audience are taken into consideration.
  • In soundness, the evidence should be strong enough to hold up the author's main idea or belief.
  • In soundness, the reasoning of the author should be both valid and its premises all true.
  • In soundness, the premises should provide the sort of justification for the conclusion.
  • In soundness, the author's process of reasoning should provide premises that provide justification for the conclusion for it to be valid.
  • In soundness, the premises must be true to guarantee the truth of the conclusion
  • In effectiveness, the content creation should have clear logical structure in such a way that it helps the audience understand.
  • In effectiveness, materials, preferably, should contain graphics and visual to aid in the understanding of the audience.
  • In effectiveness, the proper use of spoken English is taken into consideration – formality, complexity of vocabulary and grammatical structure.
  • CAARP test is used to evaluate the information presented in a text as to relevance, soundness and presentation.
  • Currency is the timeliness of an information.
  • In currency, you ask questions such as when was the source published?
  • Accuracy is the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content.
  • In accuracy, you ask questions such as is there any support? Is the information supported by evidence or outside sources?
  • Authority is the source of the information.
  • In authority, you ask questions such as:
    •Who authored or created the information?
    •Who is the author, publisher, or creator of the article, website or book?
    •What are the author’s credentials? Is he/she qualified to write on this topic?
  • Relevance is the importance of the information for your needs.
  • In relevance, you ask questions such as:
    •Does your source really relate to your topic and help you support your argument?
    •Is the information at the appropriate level?
  • Purpose is the reason the information exists
  • In purpose, you ask questions such as:
    •Why was your source written?
    •What is the purpose of the source? (To inform,entertain, etc)
    •Does the information express a bias toward a particular view?
  • •Panel Discussion is a specific format used in a meeting, conference, or convention. It is a live, in-person or virtual discussion about a specific topic amongst a selected group of experts who share differing perspectives in front of an audience.
  • How to proceed in panel discussion;
    1.Identify an issue or topic that involves an important conflicts in values and/or interests.
  • 2. Select panelists who are well informed about and have specific points of view regarding the issue or topic.
  • 3.Indicate to panelists the objectives the panel discussion is designed to promote and allow-time for panel members to prepare for the discussion.
  • 4.Decide upon the format the panel discussion will follow. Various formats are appropriate.
  • Panel Discussion Format
    •The leader or moderator introduces the topic, and the panelists present their views and opinions regarding the issue or topic for a set amount of time.
  • •The panelists discuss the issue or topic with each other by asking questions or reacting to the views and opinions of other panel members. A specific amount of time should be established.
  • •The leader or moderator closes the discussion and provides a summary of panel presentations and discussion.
  • •The leader or moderator calls for a forum period during which the members of the class may participate by addressing questions to various panel members or by voicing their views and opinions. The forum period should be conducted by the panel leader or moderator.
  • How many general members are there in a panel discussion? Ans:4
  • The instructor
    • plays most important role in panel discussion •plans how, where, when panel discussion will be organized •prepares the schedule for panel discussion •sometimes rehearsal is also planned
  • The moderator
    • keeps the discussion on the theme and encourages interaction among members
    • Summarizes and highlights the points
    • should have mastery on the theme or problem of the discussion.