Fluorescein (Cl- with Ag+, pH 7-8)
Dichlorofluorescein (Cl- with Ag+, pH 4)
Bromocresol green (SCN- with Ag+, pH 4-5)
Eosin (Br-, I-, SCN- with Ag+, pH 2)
Methyl violet (Ag+ with Cl-, acid solution)
Rhodamine 6 G (Ag+ with Br1-, HNO3 (</= 0.3 M))
Thorin (SO4-2 with Ba2+, pH 1.5 – 3.5)
Bromophenol blue (Hg2+ with Cl-, 0.1 M solution)
Orthochrome T (Pb2+ with CrO4-2, Neutral, 0.02 M solution)