Cards (46)

  • MauiProgram.cs file – contains the code for creating and configuring the Application object.
  • App.xaml and App.xaml.cs files – provide UI resources and create the initial window for the application
  • AppShell.xaml and AppShell.xaml.cs files – specify the initial page for the application and handle the registration of pages for navigation routing
  • MainPage.xaml and MainPage.xaml.cs files – define the layout and UI logic for the page displayed by default in the initial window.
  • A .NET MAUI project also contains a default set of application resources such as images, icons, fonts, and default bootstrap code for each platform.
  • The App class represents the .NET MAUI application as a whole. It inherits a default set of behaviors from Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Application
  • Shell .NET MAUI Shell reduces the complexity of app development by providing the fundamental features that most apps require
    A single place to describe the visual hierarchy of an app
    A common navigation user experience.
    A URI-based navigation scheme that permits navigation to any page in the app.
    • An integrated search handler.
  • A FlyoutItem represents one or more items in the flyout and should be used when the navigation pattern for the app requires a flyout
  • A TabBar represents the bottom tab bar and should be used when the navigation pattern for the app begins with bottom tabs and doesn't require a flyout
  • Tab – represents grouped content, navigable by bottom tabs
  • ShellContent – represents the ContentPage objects for each tab.
  • Pages are the root of the UI hierarchy in .NET MAUI inside of a Shell. A solution includes a class called MainPage, which derives from ContentPage, the simplest and most common page type. A content page displays a single view.
  • TabbedPage: This is the root page used for tab navigation. A tabbed page contains child page objects, one for each tab.
  • FlyoutPage: This page enables the implementation of a master/detail style presentation. A flyout page contains a list of items. When selecting an item, a view displaying the details for that item appears
  • NavigationPage: This page provides a hierarchical navigation experience where you can navigate through pages, forwards and backwards, as desired.
  • A content page typically displays a view. A view enables users to retrieve and present data in a specific manner.
  • The default view for a content page is a ContentView, which displays items as-is. If the view is shrunk, items may disappear from the display until the view is resized
  • A ScrollView enables the display of items in a scrolling window; if the window is shrunk, items will be displayed by scrolling up and down.
  • A CarouselView is a scrollable view that lets the user swipe through a collection of items
  • A CollectionView can retrieve data from a named data source and present each item using a template as a format. There are many other types of views available as well.
  • A view can contain a single control, such as a button, label, or text box. Note that a view is also a control so it can contain another view. However, a user interface restricted to a single control would not be very useful, so controls are positioned in a layout.
  • A layout defines the rules by which the controls are displayed relative to each other. It is also a control so it can be added to a view
  • VerticalStackLayout and HorizontalStackLayout, optimized stack layouts that lay out controls in a top-to-bottom or left-to-right stack.
  • A StackLayout is also available, which has a property named StackOrientation, which can be set to Horizontal or Vertical.
  • AbsoluteLayout, which is used to set exact coordinates for controls.
  • FlexLayout, is similar to StackLayout, except that it enables wrapping the child controls it contains if they do not fit in a single row or column.
  • Grid, which positions its child elements in a grid of rows and columns.
  • A markup language is a computer language that is used to introduce various elements in a document. Elements are described using predefined tags.
  • Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is a declarative language created by Microsoft that is based on XML. XAML was designed to simplify the process of creating the UI in applications.
  • Division of labor: Since XAML is a markup language, it does not require programming knowledge.
  • Tooling friendly: It is possible to use a design tool to create the XAML layout for you.
  • . In XAML, the types can be created using Object Element Syntax, a standard, well-formed XML syntax to declare the element to instantiate.
  • The x:Class attribute can only appear in the root element of a XAML file to define a derived C# class. This is the only new class defined in the XAML file
  • RadioButton It is a type of button that allows users to select one option from a set. Each option is represented by one radio button, and you can only select one radio button in a group
  • SearchBar It is a user input control used to initiate a search
  • It has a Placeholder property that can be set to define the hint text in the query input box