STATS Module 1

Cards (86)

  • Statistics
    • Numerical facts
    • Field or discipline of study
  • Statistics
    • Science of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data
    • Making decisions based on such analyses
  • Statistical Methods
    • Descriptive Statistics
    • Inferential Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
    Methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data by using tables, graphs, and summary measures
  • Inferential Statistics
    Utilizes sample data to make estimates, decisions, predictions, or other generalizations about a larger set of data
  • Case Study 1-1: Lobbying Spending by Selected Companies
    • Descriptive statistics
  • Case Study 1-2: American's Life Outlook 2014
    • Inferential statistics
  • Such decision making about the population based on sample results is called inferential statistics
  • Element
    A specific subject or object (for example, a person, firm, item, state, or country) about which the information is collected
  • Variable
    A characteristic under study that assumes different values for different elements
  • Constant
    A value that is fixed
  • Observation or Measurement
    The value of a variable for an element
  • Data set
    A collection of observations on one or more variables
  • Types of Variables
    • Quantitative Variables
    • Qualitative or Categorical Variables
  • Quantitative Variable
    A variable that can be measured numerically
  • Quantitative Data
    Data collected on a quantitative variable
  • Discrete Variable

    A variable whose values are countable and can assume only certain values with no intermediate values
  • Continuous Variable

    A variable that can assume any numerical value over a certain interval or intervals
  • Qualitative or Categorical Variable

    A variable that cannot assume a numerical value but can be classified into two or more non-numeric categories
  • Do you have a Facebook profile? is a categorical (qualitative) variable
  • How many text messages have you sent in the past three days? is a numerical (discrete) variable
  • How long did the mobile app update take to download? is a numerical (continuous) variable
  • Example: Classifying Data
    • Height of a bridge
    • Time to complete a 5K run
    • Letter grade in a class
    • Hours worked in one week
    • Type of pets owned (cat, dog, etc.)
    • Flower varieties planted in a garden
  • Height of a bridge, Time to complete a 5K run, Hours worked in one week are numerical variables
  • Letter grade in a class, Type of pets owned (cat, dog, etc.), Flower varieties planted in a garden are categorical variables
  • Cross-Section Data

    Data collected on different elements at the same point in time or for the same period of time
  • Time-Series Data
    Data collected on the same element for the same variable at different points in time or for different periods of time
  • Population
    All elements – individuals, items, or objects – whose characteristics are being studied
  • Sample
    A portion of the population selected for study
  • A survey that includes every member of the population is called a census
  • The technique of collecting information from a portion of the population is called a sample survey
  • Representative Sample
    A sample that represents the characteristics of the population as closely as possible
  • Sampling with Replacement
    Each time an element is selected from the population, it is put back before the next selection
  • Sampling without Replacement
    The selected element is not replaced in the population
  • Most samples taken in statistics are without replacement
  • Reasons for Sampling
    • Time
    • Cost
    • Impossibility of Conducting a Census
  • Types of Samples
    • Random/Probability
    • Non-Random/Non-Probability
  • Random Sample
    A sample drawn in such a way that each member of the population has some chance of being selected
  • Non-Random Sample

    Some members of the population may not have any chance of being selected in the sample
  • A random sample is usually a representative sample