The % cover of S. neomexicana is highest at the top of the hill and
decreases dramatically towards the bottom. The % cover of S.
neomexicana is 20.5% at the top of the hill and decreases 8.5% at the side
and to only 3.0% cover at the bottom.
The trend in % cover for other grasses was the opposite to the trend for S.
neomexicana, the %cover of other grasses increased from the top to the
bottom of the hill. The % cover of other grasses was 12.0 % at the top of the
hill and increased towards the sides ( 35.5%) and bottom of the hill (47.5%).
Considering all species, the tops of the hills had lower % cover of all grasses
and the % cover increased towards the bottom of the hill. The total %
coverage was 32.5% at the top and 50.5% at the bottom.