Psych test

Cards (65)

  • Purpose of the brain
    • Recognize pain (most vital function)
    • Perception-thinking-problem solving
    • Biological regulation
  • Structure of the brain
    • Forebrain
    • Midbrain
    • Hindbrain
  • The corpus callosum and hippocampus are larger in women than in men
  • Brain imaging techniques
    • CAT scan
    • PET scan
    • MRI scan
  • Amygdala
    Contained in the limbic system and can influence aggression and fear
  • Aphasia
    A language disorder with the inability to put words into sentences
  • Prosopagnosia
    Inability to recognize faces due to damage in both hemispheres
  • Craniotomy
    Opening of the skull
  • Mapping of the brain is a method of charting the brain which helps to organize how the brain (different parts) governs the rest of the body
  • Usually, males perform better spatially, while females perform better verbally
  • Three weeks after conception, the first signs of a brain appear in the human embryo
  • The brain is comprised of hundreds of millions nerve cells called neurons
  • 100 million messages are sent to the brain every second by all our senses
  • Left hemisphere

    The left half of the human brain. It is associated with verbal abilities and with precise, logical forms of thought. Controls the right side of the body
  • Right hemisphere

    The right half of the human brain. It is thought to be the intuitive side and to have artistic and musical abilities. Also controls the left side of the body
  • Brain stem
    As the spinal cord enters the bony skull, it enlarges into the brain stem. It is the oldest part of the brain; also called the reptilian brain. It monitors all incoming signals and channels them to other parts of the brain
  • Medulla
    It is the first slight enlargement of the spinal cord as it enters the skull. It is a narrow structure about 1 inch long. Also called the master gland, the medulla controls heartbeat, breathing and reflex centers.
  • Cerebellum
    Attached to the rear of the brain stem above the medulla, the cerebellum is concerned with the regulation of motor coordination. It regulates muscle tone, balance, posture and motor coordination
  • Hippocampus
    Helps the brain store memory
  • Hypothalamus
    This is a small structure located just below the thalamus. It plays an important role in the many kinds of motivation. It is concerned with the regulation of hunger, thirst, temperature, sexual behavior, and emotion. It maintains homeostasis which refers to the general level of functioning characteristic of the healthy organism such as body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure
  • Thalamus
    Is located just above the brain stem. It acts as a relay station and directs incoming information to the cerebrum from the sense receptors for vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. It also plays an important role in the control of sleep and wakefulness
  • Cerebral cortex
    It is the thick layer of nerve cells covering the cerebrum. It is in the cerebral cortex that all complex mental activity takes place. It distinguishes us from all other animals. It allows us to reason, learn, remember, think and communicate. Also deals with perception and emotion
  • Cerebrum
    It is the largest part of the brain. The cerebrum is more highly developed in humans than in any other organism
  • Frontal lobes

    The part of the brain's cortex linked with planning and intention
  • Corpus callosum
    The thick band of nerves that holds together the right and left hemispheres of the brain and acts as a communications link between them
  • Reticular activating system
    Extends from the medulla to the upper part of the midbrain and into the thalamus. It plays an important role in controlling our state of arousal or awareness. It also plays a role in our ability to selectively focus attention
  • Neuron
    The brain's basic working unit. There are 100 billion neurons in the human brain
  • Dendrites
    The many short fibers radiating from a neuron's cell body through which impulses enter from the other nerve cells
  • Synapse
    The tiny gap that is the junction between two neurons. Nerve impulses must be relayed by a neurotransmitter across this gap
  • Neurotransmitter
    A chemical that relays messages or impulses across the synapse separating two neurons
  • Brain waves
    Electrical patterns that flow through the brain
  • Delta waves
    One of the wave patterns found when recording the electrical activities of the brain. They are present when our brains and bodies are at rest, in deep sleep, REM
  • Split brain operation
    An operation that involves cutting the corpus callosum, thus severing the communications link between the brain's two hemispheres. Was done to try and help cure people who suffered from severe seizures
  • Electrical stimulation of the brain
    A physical procedure in which, by using small amounts of electricity, it is possible to alter brain activities and, consequently, behavior
  • Nervous System
    Divided into 2 parts: CNS & PNS
  • Central Nervous System (CNS)

    Brain and Spinal Cord
  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

    Somatic & Autonomic
  • Somatic
    Controls Voluntary Muscles
  • Autonomic
    Controls Involuntary Muscles
  • Sympathetic
    Expends energy