Cards (17)

  • Problem
    An undesirable condition that needs to be corrected
  • Problem solving
    The process of taking corrective actions to meet objectives
  • Decision making

    The process of selecting courses of action to solve a problem
  • Creative problem solving
    Involves breaking down a problem to understand it, generating ideas to solve the problem and evaluating those ideas to find the most effective solutions. It uses techniques to make the problem solving process engaging and collaborative
  • Divergent thinking
    The process of generating lots of potential solutions, and possibilities, otherwise known as brainstorming
  • Convergent thinking
    Involves evaluating those options and choosing the most promising one
  • Creative problem solving steps
    1. Objective (mess) finding
    2. Fact finding
    3. Problem finding
    4. Idea finding
    5. Solution finding
    6. Acceptance finding
  • Objective finding
    • Identify a situation or problems effectively, research and collect information
  • Fact finding
    • Make a list of all the key facts associated with your situation or your desired objective as you perceived them
  • Problem finding
    • Finding problems in people's lives, uncovering the importance of those problems, understanding what problem entail, and learning how people currently solve those problems
  • Idea finding
    • Defining and identifying problem correctly and thoroughly could ease in bringing up creative ideas
  • Solution finding
    • Constructing a course of action that will transform your current situation one where your objective has been achieved
  • Acceptance finding
    • Formulate a plan of action, determine your need, obstacles or difficulties, and specific short- and long-term steps
  • Obstacles in solving a problem
    • Misleading Information
    • Mindset
    • Failure to recognize the problem
    • Conceiving the problem too narrowly
    • Failure to consider the feasibility of the solution
    • Team Attitudes
    • Failure to communicate
  • Decision making styles
    • Reflexive styles
    • Reflective styles
    • Consistent styles
  • Attitudes that kill creative ideas
    • It's too radical
    • That's beyond our responsibilities
    • We don't have time
    • It costs too much
  • Techniques for generating creative alternatives
    • Brainstorming
    • Synectics
    • Nominal Grouping
    • Consensus Mapping
    • Delphi Technique