Cards (60)

  • Worldview
    A collection of beliefs about life and the universe being held by people
  • Kinds of Belief System
    • Monism
    • Polytheism
    • Monotheism
    • Atheism
    • Agnosticism
  • Monism
    There is no real distinction between god and the universe
  • Polytheism
    The belief and worship of many gods
  • Monotheism
    The doctrine or belief in one supreme god
  • Atheism
    Disbelief or in denial of the existence of a personal god
  • Agnosticism
    God cannot be known
  • Theism
    A belief in the existence of one god viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world
  • Monotheistic religions claim that there is only one God who could have designed and created the universe or may have directed all events that led to the creation of everything
  • Monotheistic religions
    • Judaism
    • Christianity
    • Islam
  • Polytheistic religions
    • Ancient religions of Egypt
    • Ancient religions of Greece
    • Ancient religions of Rome
  • Polytheistic religions
    • Recognize many principal gods among whom no one is supreme
    • People worship a multitude of personal gods
  • Agnostics
    Deny the possibility for man to acquire knowledge of the existence of God
  • Monism
    Asserts that there is no genuine distinction between God and the universe
  • Implications of Monism
    • God is dwelling in the universe as part of it
    • The universe does not exist at all as a reality but only as manifestation of God
  • Edward Burnett Tylor

    English anthropologist; founding figure of the science of social anthropology
  • Atheists
    Deny the existence of God
  • James George Frazer
    Scottish social anthropologist; one of the founding figures of modern anthropology
  • Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski
    An eminent 20th-century Polish anthropologist
  • Latin word "religio"

    Something done with overanxious or scrupulous attention to detail
  • View on Religion (Tylor)
    The belief in spiritual beings
  • View on Religion (Frazer)

    A propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man which are believed to control and direct the course of nature and human life
  • Latin verb "religare"

    To tie together or to bind fast
  • View on Religion (Malinowski)
    A body of self-contained acts being themselves the fulfillment of their purpose; an affair of all, which everyone takes an active and equivalent part
  • David Emile Durkheim
    French sociologist; Father of sociology
  • View on Religion (Durkheim)

    A unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things
  • Common Characteristics Among Religions
    • Religious rituals
    • Code of conduct
    • Belief in deity
    • A doctrine of salvation
  • Religious authorities
    • Writings known as scriptures
    • Writings of saints and other holy persons
    • Decisions by religious councils and leaders
    • Unwritten customs and laws known as traditions
  • Three philosophical views on belief in deity
    • Atheists believe that no deity exists
    • Theists believe in deity or deities
    • Agnostics say that the existence of deity cannot be proved or disproved
  • Doctrine of Salvation
    Belief that people are in some danger from which they must be saved
  • Code of Conduct
    A set of moral teachings and values that all religions have in some form
  • A code of ethics tells believers how to conduct their lives and instructs them how to act toward the deity and toward one another
  • Religious Rituals
    Acts and ceremonies by which believers appeal to and serve God, deities and other sacred powers
  • Performance of a ritual
    Often called a service
  • Most common ritual
    Prayer or for some Asian religions, meditation
  • Rituals intended to
    • Purify the body
    • Pilgrimages
  • Rituals
    Commemorate events in the history of religions and mark important events in a person's life
  • Elements of Religion
    • Cult (Belief in Deity - how we worship)
    • Creed (Doctrine of Salvation - what we believe)
    • Code (Code of Conduct - how we live)
    • Community (The believers)
  • Animistic Theories
    Primitive people believed in souls or anima found in people (seen in dreams) and in all nature and they pray and offer sacrifices to these spirits
  • Mana
    A mysterious force that inhabited all of nature. The destructiveness of the mana can be avoided by establishing taboos.