Genetics - It is a branch of biology concerned with the study of genes, geneticvariation and heredity in organism.
Inheritance - A process by which genetic information is passed on from parents to child.
Genotype - is the genetic makeup of organism
Heterozygous - This means having two different alleles of a particular gene.
A Punnett square is a graphical representation of the possiblegenotypes of an offspring arising from a particular cross or breeding event.
Variation - Any difference between cells, individual organisms or groups of organism of any species.
Gene - It is a unit of heredity; a section of DNA that codes for a specifictrait.
Seven Different Traits
A) purple
B) white
C) terminal
D) axial
E) short
F) tall
G) round
H) wrinkled
I) yellow
J) green
K) inflated
L) constricted
M) yellow
N) green
Non-MendelianInheritance - This is a type of inheritance wherein the patterns of phenotypesdoesnotcoincide with those that was presented in the MendelianLawofinheritance
IncompleteDominance - It is a form of intermediateinheritance in which one allele does not completely dominate another allele, resulting in a newphenotype.
Codominance - Both alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype of the heterozygote
Multiple Alleles - A gene that is controlled by more than two alleles.